9 reviews liked by Ruggy

Anyone who has said that motion controls are bad haven’t played this game

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My favorite game on the Nintendo GameCube and one of my favorite JRPGs.
I was a freshman in high school when I remember looking at the game previews of this title on GameStop's website. A friend of mine turned my attention to it, as I had never played a "Tales of" RPG before, and I really liked what I saw from a cel-shaded graphics and action RPG gameplay standpoint.
Over that summer, I remember when I got the game from my grandmother, I ended up beating it right before the start of high school football. It only took a week or so... that's how much I loved this game.

I loved the game's story, cast of characters, music, and unique spin on the battle system. Its action-based RPG battles take place within a 3D grid but is still based on a 2D line as you can lock-on to the enemies.

Highly recommended for all JRPG fans - "Tales of" is the fast food of RPGs, so you never know what you're going to get with many of their titles. But this one is a classic for a reason.
Beat this game 3+ times on the GameCube with its New Game+ feature, and plan to play it again in its remastered form.


I will always remember how I was slightly disappointed as I got to the Tower of Salvation. Thinking I was already at the end of the game and that it was awfully short for an RPG, with a pretty barebones storyline... and then finding out, what I now know is "Tales of" tradition, that it was only the game's halfway point, and there was an entire other world to explore.

okay, this is one of those weird games that i obsessed over when i was younger. not in the way people normally do when they really like a game. the gameplay was just fine, but i was completely fixated on the destructable terrain system, combined with the map design. some of the maps would have hidden corridors and pockets that you could only access by destroying something, and i used to jetpack around the map looking for them for HOURS. no idea why it just tickled something in my brain



it was just nice to have a gamecube game that was trying, y'know?

don't watch the anime if you haven't read the manga (mark fisher's capitalist realism)

how do you even rate something like this? guess i could list its "objective" "problems" and issues of pacing, kinda jank dlc and occasionally unfair platforming but who even cares. nothing does what hollow knight does as well as it does it. nothing feels like hollow knight. five stars, fuck it

very thankful switch online just tells friends i'm playing "nintendo 64" so they can imagine it's something good rather than logging hour 100 on this piece of shit

Completing this one did make me want to k*ll myself a little bit but overall it's about just as good as the og

Glad I didn't listen to the haters

Rare had the BEST platformers on the N64 and this game was the definitive proof. The worlds were massive, hilarious characters, huge combat upgrade, and a simple story to get behind. I can't believe people don't give this game it's flowers because it's "too much video game". What kind of silly excuse is that???