overrated gameplay, strong narrative. It's not good as a pirate game, rogue did the gameplay better which is shocking, and the assassin portion has a shocking amount of mechanical depth but is used poorly by bad level design.

NOTHING will replace this. No game will give me the feeling of boundless creativity in something as simple as a hero shooter. fucking masterpiece.

Rest in peace you magnificent bastard.
SO ahead of its time.
This game predicted esports.
Had so much charm.
could be genuinely awesome to play.
and lives on in my head rent-free.

A very original idea... mostly a good one...
This game really evades classification but I can't discount that I liked it... a lot.

Not enough people put this game in their top ten games of all time and that's frankly criminal. This game dwarfs every other Indie 'masterpiece' like a fucking true titan should. The absolute culmination of classic arcade platform shooters with a truly inspired art style. This labor of love deserves your time and will reward you for it handsomely. also the soundtrack fucking slaps.

I would have to take a week to explain why I hate everything about this game. I will instead say that this game offended me personally and you should discount my review.

History has been wildly unfair to this game because I swear every year I see another retrospective overlook this for what it is: the absolute height of Assassin's Creed. it was all uphill to this, and all downhill after.

This game is called MK11 because it has 11 DLC... also its shit.

Probably the best Mortal Kombat even if it is responsible for the change in direction that killed netherealm as a serious studio.

A tiny bit underrated for the souls series.
Jakey put it best in his fromsoft video: this game is basically a greatest hits album... but I'm absolutely ok with that.
Elden ring can be the magnum opus, ds2 can be the black sheep for hipsters, ds can be the OG for boomers, and demon's souls can be the real OG for REAL OGs (and I guess king's field exists for ancient nutters) but imma be real with you.
When I want to listen to a great band imma grab the greatest hits album, I don't have time for The Wall and Wish You Were Here just ain't enough vibes for me... WTF was I talking about.

it's fun, bit mashy, but what did you expect.
worth the full playthrough. probably a ton of depth for replay if you're THAT into twinsticks.

You don't have the right, O you don't have the right,
Therefore you don't have the right, O you don't have the right!

Truly unique and inspired puzzle platformer.