How they think they can get away with making shittier entries to established franchises and then charge up the fucking ass for pathetic DLC is beyond me. the current generation of fighting games is so abysmal. it's fucking tragic.

ignore the bad reviews, alot of people got burned by something that will not affect your playthrough. sorry to anyone that felt slighted, but the game is still great.

So close to a masterpiece.

It's so conflicting to me because it's fundamentally a story-driven walking sim with a story that 9/11s itself at the last second... but I still love it.

the atmosphere, the soundtrack, the simple but super original and memorable gameplay mechanic. the way the world unfolds and feels super realized.

This game kinda does the ghost trick thing of being super context sensitive but somehow feeling entirely immersive.

you play as a suit AI (sort of) and your interface makes you feel like you (the actual payer) is accomplishing that goal. so in a sense it melts the fourth wall away entirely.

Someone should go check on this dev, man is really depressed.

I member when these were shitty flash games on unsavory websites. honestly really fun game.

so now that we know what suda51 was smoking all this time is my experience of killer7 ruined? not really.

I'm sure you could convince me that this is a bastardization of max payne, but frankly I don't give a shit. it's fun.

I say completed, it broke literal inches from the ending so I just watched it on youtube lol.
It's fun. if someone tells you it has a story fucking run from them.



yes its overrated, but it is fun, till it gets way too repetitive somewhere around the last third

there are allegedly 4 of these games, they're all the fucking same.
fun tho.

cool game, depressed dev, kinda killed the vibe ngl,

I fell asleep during the final boss but that's ok because the game won itself