It was fun, but I probably wont be picking up the game again. Never finished it either

Haven't finished, but man was this game fun. Hard to think that they close the studio down...

One of the funniest games to play with friends, but can become really repetitive

Drag racing on the highway, listening to music late at night in the middle of quarantine...

I've probably put more hours into this game than any other game. Started on PC, to IOS, to Switch, to Xbox One, to Xbox Series X, to PC.

REALLY fun live service, I wish there were more updates, cause this game was amazing and really fun to play with friends.

First fallout game I've played, heard its not the best but it's very fun so far

Fun with friends, another quarantine game

Good game, but really fun when played with friends. Just wish it had cross progression


I've heard you need to play for a long time to actually understand how to play, but it was pretty fun when I played. Very difficult, but fun with friends

Really enjoyed playing this when I did a while back. Really relaxing game to play

Still trying to beat this game without using any powerups, on the last level...

It was a really fun game to play during quarantine, I actually got really good at it, but since then it's been pretty lackluster

Really fun, but was fun in 2020 and hard to get people to play since then


Really cool concept of a rythem game I played a long time ago