It's good, and as a fan of the books I don't have much in the way of complaints, but it still hasn't captured me the way I'd want it to.

Big mechs fun as hell. It stayed extremely true to the spirit of armored core, while also taking a few small things from their extremely successful souls games to enhance the experience that much further. It is indeed a steep learning curve, but if you're a fan of mech games then it is worth every second of learning.

One of my favorite games. Yes it's only getting a 3/5. No I will not elaborate.

The best battlefield game ever made and it isn't close

My god it's rock raiders but better in every way. Genuinely one of the best done remakes I've ever seen, at least from a QoL and performance point of view. I have only known about this for 2 days but I already have 30 hours sunk into it. Send help.

The greatest Lego game ever made. It still has a thriving community that can help you play it in 2023 the year of our lord.

The best entry in the series in my humble opinion. I want nothing more than a return to this style, and this series as a whole as well.

This is among the peak of single player gaming experiences. Extremely well written, characters that you connect with for better or worse, and gameplay that compliments it all. And honestly the multiplayer was fantastic as well.

Gonna go back and play it again on PS5, so I can compare the two experiences.

It's not perfect, it has deep flaws, and even with that I find it to be absolutely incredible.