It's hard to describe LoL, it's a game that can be fun, if you do two things:
1. You can move past the toxic teammates, sometimes when I just want to have fun and play characters or try new things out, I mute all, even before any trash talk. I might not even be receiving trash talk because it's not like every game I will meet someone whos toxic, but it's just for the fact I want to make sure I enjoy myself.
2. You learn the game. League is by far the hardest game to get into because the skill is based on knowledge, what to do, who are the characters and what they do, and how to react to specific scenarios. I still don't fully know league, and I've been playing on and off for two years now.
League has it's issues but Riot Games does constantly update it, for better or for worse the community is very much alive.
I think one can enjoy it if give time. and please, just report and mute all, lets not spread hatred.

Fun with friends, it's funny scary, hopefully the developers keep adding content to keep this game from just being a two month viral game.

Lost the overwatch feel I fell in love with, the grind for the new heroes isnt worth it and I dont have friends that play it anymore.

I had an overwatch SAGA, i was extremely addicted to this game and I loved playing it with friends all the time, sadly overwatch 2 isnt the same and isnt player friendly.

First fighting game I've actually really liked, and the modern controls make it easier to get into, hoping this starts a whole new chapter of liking fighting games!

Played the hell out of it for a week, need to get back to it but had a great time with friends.

This game made a fan of sonic as a character, I've kept up with the games and shows and was an incredibly fun game and and a blast from the past.

Childhood game, looking back it gave me a lot of good times.

This sparked my love for the resident evil series.

Need to finish V's story in night city, just need to get around to it lmao.

A game that continues to give, singleplayer and multiplayer minecraft is THE best sandbox game out there with infinite things to do and insane replayability

Amazing game, problem is I borrowed it from a friend and need to get my own copy to finally finish it lol.

I finally got around to playing this game once I got it on steam when I suddenly stopped and it's been hard to get back in it since. I do know however that the persona series is very fun and I love the gameplay rpg aspect.

Valve classic, I had good times playing this with a buddy and we had good laughs.

When this game went viral I didn't pay much attention to it, it was only years later when I fell in love with this game and played it multiple times, the story, choices and the artstyle keeps me engaged!