Aint a bad fire emblem game at all...the story though wasnt very great...but my girl silque was in it so 4/5

Aegis rim, is prolly the best story I have ever gotten to experience in my life. Now I won't pretend that I understand the story at all and I won't act like not understanding the story left me satisfied in anyway, but I don't think I was really supposed to, at least not on my first playthrough. But don't mistake me here, just bc I didn't get it, doesn't mean the twist and turns of this game didn't have my hands on my head screaming "WHAT!?!" this game will never cease to Surprise you and entertain you, it somehow pulls you back into the story even though you have no idea what's going on. The moment you think you have a grasp on the story the game hits you with another plot twist that completely switches your thinking. The games story is amazing and the way it's told unique (though I would've mush perfered if it more if it was more direct in its story telling) the story is complicated, and the characters are nothing but a delight, you will find yourself finding a home with these mentality ill teenagers. My biggest complaint with the game is the gameplay. The gameplay is just boring tbh not much I can really say about it. Overall though the game is beautiful, the story is complex and exciting, and the characters are funny and are oozing of personality, and their very complex too. This game has definitely taken it's place as the best game in terms of story for me at least

pretty good for it's time. I can easily see how this title was groundbreaking at the time, though It just felt so slow at the beginning it made me really wanna drop it, but when the story gets good, oh boy it gets good. Even though I did really like the story, I didn't really have that much fun with the gameplay aspects, that's mostly bc I've played OT2 and all of the Bravely default games, so for me it wasn't anything new or special for me. Overall though it's a pretty solid game that I would 100% recommend.

one of, if not the greatest metroidvania and game of all time.

this quite possibly the best brave game if I wasnt bias to bravely second. Basic story but the end gets so hype makes up for it, tenfold. It's my second favorite game now

Best Mario game hands down

Very deep and fun gameplay mechanics but meh story

Grateful for all the laughs and lessons it showed me

Great game, but the end game was unforgivable.