At points a kinda fun simple action RPG. Most of the time hyper braindead easy without much variety, which wouldn't be that bad except the story is really bad and is basically pathologically driven to ruin FF7's story. Music isn't great either. But it still has some decent stuff, and some basic competency.

Worse than I expected. A truly awful game in just about every way.

Wanted to like it and I didn't. Nothing has any impact or oomph, generic everything, forgettable music and a story that I suspect no one on the planet actually likes. It is a functional action game and does have a bunch of playable characters. It works on multiple levels. But the gameplay is so-so and I don't like the aesthetics at all. Not worth it for me.

I am defeated. Pushed for way too long but this is one of the most boring easy braindead games I've ever played. The story is yapping over utterly meaningless fluff gangster dialogue. The game is the most baby easy shit I've ever seen, and yes I'm playing on hard. I spam X and punch every single enemy and win just about every single encounter without getting hit once (often they don't even try to attack me once(yes this is on hard)). There are minigames that are pretty well polished so there's that I guess. The town is extraordinarily boring considering that this is like the 6th game in the series or something? Persona 5 came out a year later and the town in that is incredible... Yakuza 0 is the 6th iteration and is a million times more boring and soulless. Mash X, watch so many cutscenes that would make MGS4 blush, and go through 50 identical convenience stores and restaurants.

I wasn't expecting much and I was right. Boring and soulless. Nice facial models though!

I'm being very generous with this 9/10. It's a forward thinking, ahead of the curve cover shooter that frankly does it better than every single other one despite being the first real one. Amazing action movie schlock, great soundtrack, very cool vibes though the environments are drab. The basic core gameplay and feedback is great. The encounters keep putting new twists on things, and the game is very long. I like it a lot, also apparently a big involved multiplayer mode I won't bother with.

Except... the last like third of the game is a total slog and is basically built around ignoring or outright breaking all the systems of the game and making you play antithetical to how you were playing before, and basically forcing you to become hyper aware of spawn points and metagaming them. A lot of shootouts in tight hallways with like 5 guys that is just a grind with zero skill, or you walk into a room and a cutscene happens and five guys spawn behind you. I wouldn't mind this if these were bonus hard mode missions and I kinda suspect they were made that way originally, but got shoved into the main campaign. Out of extreme mercy I am ignoring this and instead judging the game on the first twenty or so missions.

It's a visionary game, it influenced just about every thing ever, it's cool, it's fully featured, it is very fun, it keeps pulling out new tricks constantly, ... it's just the last third is a total chore. This rating isn't just about game quality, but its total impact on video gaming in general so I think it deserves it. Give it a shot, you probably will like it.

This review contains spoilers

This game is horrible. Two enemies an hour, baby easy Newgrounds esque "piecing the mystery together" (actually just dragging and dropping crap), overly cluttered environments and a nonsensical and boring story. I have no idea what people see in this game at all. I regret playing it for the few hours I did. Also the plot was setting up the same hackneyed set up as Returnal? Lame game and specifically designed to be as aggravating and boring as possible.

An incredible game on every front. Not only a new studio but basically the first real Korean game that isn't some scam MMO. This game is filled with heart and while yes is obviously very derivative it's a clone of From Software's games like King of Fighters is a clone of Street Fighter.

I saw the first reveal for this game and wrote it off immediately, only a friend of mine convinced me to give a second chance. And man, was my first impression so wrong. This isn't some slapdash rookie attempt, possibly fun for half a playthrough, this is a stand out genre defining game. Not only does it match From Software's standards it adds onto them on multiple levels. You are straight up missing out if you aren't playing this game. The only complaint I really have is yeah wow the parry is brutal.

Yep, this is a classic awful Bethesda game. Janky, poor performance, terrible gameplay, nonstop garbage collecting. Stupid story. Ugly, horrible graphics. Music is nondescript. One of the worst intros I've ever seen in a game, wow I'm shooting rocks and jumping around pointlessly while NPCs talk! Every character is horrible and lifeless. If you like eating garbage like a sewer ape that doesn't deserve to live, you'll love this. If you are a human being with a divine soul, you will hate this game. I only played it because it came with my GPU.

If you want to shoot rocks, this is the game for you.

This is the greatest Armored Core game. I've been a fan of the series for decades, and a fan of From Software in general for a long time. Not only does this game greatly surpass every other in the series, it might be the finest action game ever made. Armored Core VI brought back a series 10 years dead, that was already losing relevance and stands as a flagship industry defining game.

There was a lot of talk about how this isn't an Armored Core game, a baffling assertion that I cannot figure out at all. There are heals (I'm not a fan of but don't really matter) and bosses have telegraphed attacks and that is about it. In contrast, what this game does well as an Armored Core game is build variety, mission variety and the core controls. There is no Armored Core game that has half as interesting and fun parts to use, there is so much more real freedom to building your AC, not just exchanging numbers. Setting up your own combos, approach tools, your own maneuverability is fantastic, and the older games cannot hold a candle to it. The mission variety, while not on the level of something like Armored Core 2 Another Age, is definitely above the median for the series and has plenty of throwbacks too. The basic control is perfect, taking cues from the Gundam Vs series, with boost recharging much faster touching the ground and strong shots pausing your AC. It is also probably the hardest game in the series, except maybe Last Raven, which I as a longtime fan appreciate.

In terms of being an action game, what else is there to say except that the bosses are amazing? Not only are they very difficult, there's a number of 'pathways' to fight a boss. Some bosses you can whittle away and do a big punish, doing the classic Armored Core style floaty jumps shooting while dodging. Some bosses can be punished hard with certain pauses that take keen observation to capitalize on, while sometimes you can dominate other bosses, constantly pushing and wearing them down using heavy offense as a shield. The missions, while a bit too easy outside of bosses, are also very fun. It's very engaging dealing with multiple threats while being surrounded, and taking into account distance, cover and your own boost and ammo management. Flying high in the air, charging a shot, running out of boost and falling, and using the stall from firing my gun to change my falling trajectory just enough to dodge something... something I've never experienced in any other game.

The general experience of the game is great. Responsive, convenient and classy menus, and the general performance of the game is great. The music is fantastic though a bit low key and understated compared to the rest of the series. The visuals are also great, the mech design is easily the best in the series while also having the most variation. ACs generally look very much like their PS2 counterparts in this game, but at the same time having more styles, such as 'junkyard' and smooth alien types. There's a few graphical hiccups, screen space reflection holds this back a bit, and not being able to adjust your camera/FOV more. But otherwise a slick experience.

I like the story a lot, and this is probably the most 'Dark Souls' element of the game, focusing way more on metaphysics than the usual more grounded hard sci-fi approach the series has. I don't have too much to say about it without going into spoilers, but I think it's a very fascinating concept that has a lot of implications and interpretations possible. I will say my biggest complaint with the game is the incessant radio chatter and the overly big emphasis on characters when the series has generally avoided very strongly having characters being developed. I get why, it's to appeal to Western audiences so I can accept it but I do not like it. Take out like 70% of the dialogue and this game's story is like a 10 for me.

This game isn't just a revival of an old obscure franchise, or another feather in the new From Software's cap. This is a very ambitious attempt to sell the idea of mecha, giant robots, to the world. I think Armored Core VI will be successful at it, and that may be From Software's biggest cultural legacy.

Use the Samus skin to replace the female character. Skip the story, ignore it as hard as possible and you are left with an incredible game. If the story/main character weren't so bad this would legit be one of my favorite games ever. Also the final boss is weak and easily the most disappointing of all the bosses in the game. Otherwise truly fantastic, amazing visuals, amazing balance and 'progression.' It does so many smart things, the bullet hell gameplay is something that's bizarre no other shooter does even 1/10th as well. Enemy variety is fantastic, bosses (besides final) are great, powerups, etc etc. I will say a lot of the guns I find meh but idk maybe you'll vibe with them better. Highly recommended... with the Samus suit and ignoring the terribad story.

It's better than 4. I genuinely cannot understanding playing the older games and considering this to be the best in the series. The game is sloppy all the way through. Yeah it's a super fast paced mech game, not too many of those, but it really isn't enough to carry it. The missions and scenarios are much more visionary and filled with all sorts of cool spectacles. But... the missions are not that great to actually play, and the game is bizarrely frontloaded with almost everything interesting happening in the first half. The Spirit of Motherwill was pretty fun, and I think that AF made for the best mission by far, all the others are OK. There's the mission to defeat the signature Next of 4th generation, White Glint, which I already defeated in the arena but now I have some guy helping me with some terrible anime scripting. There's a mission you fight some sniper MTs and I guess it was my fault not having a radar but I spent like 10 pointless minutes looking for these things that don't even fight back. Being easy is one thing, but boring is another. I will say this game is significantly harder than 4, that game is straight up the easiest game in the series I don't know why people say For Answer is easier. The title screen with White Glint is incredible I must say.

On the bright side it looks like AC6 will basically completely replace this game.

I was not expecting much but damn this game is a big disappointment. Older games have ten trillion times better missions. In AC4 the missions almost always boil down to go through a level and ignore all the enemies, you can easily dodge their ordinance and they barely do any damage usually, then go kill three 'Normals' in some corner of the map. I think that is legit about half the missions in the game, maybe more. The music is incredible, probably the best part of the game, but the mixing is horrible and you can barely hear it, do crank down the sound effects to like 30%. It's really easy... but honestly whatever I can live with that. The new high mobility controls are a refreshing change of pace, but there's jank and sometimes it feels oddly slow, despite building a high speed AC. There's also a lot of floatiness and bad animations, like dropping weapons in this game feels like a debug option you're accidentally accessing compared to the earlier games. I was in disbelief at the final boss, not only trivially easy but there was hardly any spectacle. You can see glimmers, or perhaps glints, of potential that this game flatly doesn't reach. Anyway, it was kinda fun and I'm mostly negative because the previous games are just so much better.

Beat this game again. Incredible game. The controls and general performance is a sweet spot for the series. The extremely high difficulty is welcome after all the other old generation games. Tons of parts and customization, best in the series. A few nitpicks here and there but really nothing worth mentioning as this is a classic stand out title that belongs in gaming history.

I was genuinely shocked how bad this was. If it's a student project, keep it in the classroom and don't sell it for real money that could go to orphans that have cancer and diabetes.