SOTN is easily one of my favorite games of all time. My slight knock with this is that I'm really not a fan of Rondo. But this may get back up to five if I can get better at it.

Started off a little slow for me, but when it gets going this is definitely one of the best Pokemon entries. Team Galactic is definitely one of the more memborable villain teams in the series, especially with how many "top" members you run into. It can be kind of a bummer to play this game now because of how many legendaries came from events and are completely inaccessible now, but that's just the way they did things.

Every single thing in these games is too long. Take literally everything and shave 15-20% off.

Watershed moment for gamers of my generation. Engrossing in a way few games have been since, just took over your fucking life man. My friends and I just inhabited this thing for hours and hours on end.

I was the perfect age for this game. Just coming off of III, which I spent an ungodly amount of time on and ran into the ground, this just took over with better character, story, music and V I B E S. The vibes on this thing are impeccable. A game where I could spend hours just driving around, deciding where to jump in and cause some mayhem.

Complete SOTN retread. But it retreads it so well that it'll scratch that metroidvania itch just fine.

With the DLC this complete package is the best Dark Souls experience.

Incredible way to finish the series.

A fairly repetitive DLC that holds some incredibly bright spots. Overall I found it to be kind of a drag though.

One of the biggest gaming disappointments I've ever had. Man, my friends and I were so hyped for this game coming out. DMC was a revelation to us as a high octane action game and then the most average game ever made gets thrown in our laps. This low of a rating is really on a personal/moral ground. The real rating of the game is as dead center as you can get, nothing is more... okay than DMC 2.

Only the truly enlightened realize it's the best FF game

Still my favorite of the strictly souls games. The others have passed it up in gameplay and narrative cohesion, but something about the disjointedness of the worlds and all of the looming secrets and things that lurk in the background but you'll never actually see (e.g. giants archstone) give this a vibe that is unmatched. Everything is off kilter and threatening. Dread permeates the world.

Still the king of metroidvanias for me. Absolutely nails the playstyle and is filled to the brim with shit to do. All time great twist.

The apex of the "charmingly weird puzzle game" genre. The gameplay is addictive but challenging, the bizarre story is legitimately fun and funny, the OST is an all timer.