2018 list

Games that I've played that have come out in 2018

I think the concept of this game is honestly a lot more interesting then the actual game itself unfortunately. I love the idea of flipping through cameras trying to find any paranormal anomaly popping up through this house, the problem or at least to me is that there are too many types of anomalies in this game and most of them range from a simple chair moving or a tiny pixel you never noticed slowly turning into a black hole; so a lot of the time I didn't even know some rooms had anomalies until the house had too many forcing me to retry. It causes most games to be scary for a little bit with the one or two genuine fright and the rest being small inconsequential things you're not going to notice until you eventually die.
I think the game would’ve benefited with trimming maybe a quarter of the anomaly types and having better visual indication that something is in the house or something in a room moved.
It's Smash but Ultimate, and it has Persona 5 in it so it gets 10/10 regardless.
How the fuck is this the top-selling video game franchise.
I'd fuck most if not all of these dragons.
(I'm not a furry I swear.)
It's one of the few open-world games that actually feels alive and that your actions actually change the world.
Quite possibly the best detective game ever made mostly because it’s one of the very few detective games that actually need you to think about the whole situation in mind and pay attention to every little detail possible. In my mind it’s a perfect video game in both presentation and everything is laid out, and it’s among the very few games that make perfect use of the best aspects that make video games stand out as its own medium of storytelling.
Legos games have been stagnant for a while now but this one was actually really good, which shocked the hell out of me.
How does a game from 18 years ago looks better than this?
The best PSVR game to have been made so far.
Surprisingly fun shooting with a neat 80's aesthetic.
A series that's long since run out of steam finally ending itself because even they realized "we don't know where to take this anymore."
It's the best Spider-Man to date, along with being the best superhero game post-Batman Arkham Asylum.
Not nearly as good as the first season, but it was still a really good ending to the series.
The biggest waste of 15 dollars I've ever spent.
Please stop recommending this to me youtube.
I hit a friend while playing his because I was trying to rip a guy's head off with my bare hands.
An actual scam Kickstarter.
I like the general premise and the setting is a really interesting idea, but a lot of it is bogged down from very boring combat, and a story requires me to REALLY care about the characters, which sucks since all of them are either very unmemorable or annoying.
Famous David Cage quotes "Anyways, in my games all woman are whores.", "In the open space, there is a lack of tits". "At Quantic Dreams we don't make games for fags".
I enjoyed all the little character interactions and as a rhythm game it's pretty good. But P5's OST doesn't fit dancing music very well, and most of the remixes are...um well.. bad they're bad.
Hunt for the Wilderpeople: The Video Game (Norse Mythology edition)
If I wanted to go around and shoot rednecks I can just go outside and do it myself, and I'd probably be less boring.
The writing and story feels like it was ripped right out of a movie from the 5 dollar bin at Walmart.
Needed friends to have fun with the game instead of justt having fun regardless is a red flag for me.
It's the blandest Kirby game released so far, but I still love Kirby so this game will hold me down until we get a brand new Kirby game.
Big sexy vampier lady has jack shit compared to these hucking chonkers.
This game made me very uncomfortable, and I'm actually gay.


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