I didn't care about the story at all and enjoy it a lot. The best stealth game for me, many possibilities that never ends, could play it forever.

Play it with good headphones to fully experience this great piece of media.
Maybe puzzles can frustrates and combat feels undercooked. Also too much walking even for that kind of game.
However the main point of this game is perfected. Use of audio and visuals to show how schizophrenia affects people is amazing. Love the setting.

My first persona game. I really liked turn based combat, OST, social links and story even tho this version of the game have textboxes and pictures of characters instead of cutscenes, even exploring the city is like that, which is stupid. More reasons to play Reload or FES, but the fact that I finished this 70 hour game says a lot about persona 3.

This yakuza is the most beautiful one, the best karaoke and ummmmmmmmm... Hirose Family is cool.
Story is mixed with beautiful moments and great characters, but a lot of things feels so wrong.
Dragon engine gives some cool QOL changes and makes the game sooooooooooooo beautiful. I wish more yakuza games had voiced substories like 6. Side content was fine. OST is a banger.
I still liked yakuza 6, but could be much better.

Halo 2 rules and it proofs once again that if you have full enjoyment playing a game on highest difficulty then it's damn good.

Dual welding gives a great opportunity to let every weapon shine that weren't great in CE. Battle rifle is only good burst weapon in gaming, because it benefit for being a burst weapon in this game. Enemy encounters are always challenging threat, but so satisfying to beat. I liked new enemies like brutes and even jackal snipers. I heard a lot of shit talk about them, but I like having that one enemy that give you thought "fuck, you again", so you use all the power to take them out as fast as you can and there are many weapons to take them really fast like BR or covenants' DMR. Operating scorpion is so fucking epic.

There are still thing I don't like. Operating banshee sucks and you have to do it twice. Slow elevator section with hundreds of flying and fast enemies is an agony. Arbiter's ability is cool, but makes his gameplay way easier than Master Chief. A few times checkpoint system works like RNG. Remaster version looks beautiful, but it tends to lose FPS and OG levels has better atmosphere.

Story is great with cool and memorable characters (sergeant Johnson and Miranda). I like Arbiter and his plot. Master Chief is better character in Halo 2 imo. Only cliffhanger is weak and it started all the cliffhanger in almost every other Halo game.

OST is a banger as always.

Multi is better than in CE, less magnum = more fun.

Damn, I love Halo.

Maybe combat is a bit frustrating, but it helped me to get better in yakuza series. Great story, but not perfect. Orphanage stuff is great (idk why a lot of fans complains about it). Okinawa is beautiful, but lacks things to do here.
Side content is weak, I don't remember any substory.
I'm not against Kiwami 3, but OG 3 still holds up.

I liked Trek to Yomi and SW3 made by Flying Wild Hog so I gave this game a chance and finished it on the highest difficulty.

The idea of combining western, demons and beat 'em up combat seemed perfect for me and I ended up conflicted about the game. I love how juicy is the combat. You can feel those heavy fists, meat and blood of demons on your hands. There are a lot of tools you get over time and everything is useful and fun. Really good skill tree. Big variety of enemies and cool bosses keeps game fresh.

Unfortunately it doesn't change the fact that the combat kinda sucks. Sometimes you just use roll animation through the arena to not get hit. Using dodge and parry feels inconsistent. Once you meet new miniboss, be ready to fight against four of them at the same time later on. ITS NOT FUN. And dodging attacks that cannot be parried is still a mystery for me. One time projectile misses your protag, but still does damage. Other time you can just roll through the attack and be untouched. Also only cool combo you can make is to juggle weak enemy for max 4 seconds in the air by punching or shooting.

Level design is okay. Most locations looks good. But I hate when you forced to pull some shit to open that, there is too many of that. And some checkpoints are not placed in front of the entrance to the arena when you died, but you respawn before you solved the "puzzle" so you have to repeat that.

Story is just okay, the protag could be more badass and the world was better introduced in cutscenes.

If you are looking for fun and juicy combat, I still recommend it. Playing on other difficulties than "evil" should be more fun.

1st have milkman, this one have cool af master chef level.

Such a great story, memorable characters, great ending, good plot, fun combat in a short DLC. 30$ is a bit much but I got LJ ultimate edition for 40$ so I don't complain. Only new game+ is missing.

Still not sure if cod fans like this one, but I played it much more than I expected.
This game came out unfinished, but updates kinda saved it. 1st zombie map was garbage, only 3rd was good. Outbreak mode was enjoyable.
The worst part of multi was skill-based matchmaking. Most of maps were fine, some other not. Not really balanced game, as every cod game, but not to the point where everyone plays the same way.
Campaign was good, nothing special about it.
Imo this cod is much better than MW (2019). Maybe not the best black ops, but still fun.

Fun and somehow entertaining visual novel.

I loved yakuza 5, going from 4 to 5 was shocking. Story was too confusing for me, but it has the best message in the series.
Liked the combat a lot, but progression system was too bloated.
Amazing side content, good substories, a lot of good unique minigames.
Only Tsukimino sucks big cock.

The fact that EA back then let Respawn Entertainment make a good singleplayer game that sold well was shocking.
Pretty fun mix of soulslike and metroidvania with Uncharted parkour. Combat was good, but the fact that lightsaber doesn't one-shot most of the enemies is weird. Also how the game explains respawning enemies when using checkpoints.
Game has a lot of bugs, sometimes game breaking ones.
Remember when ads of the game spoiled the coolest thing in the game's ending before it came out?
Worth your time if you are a star wars fan.

Story so bad to the point its funny, only some cutscenes are good but...
Yakuza 4 gave us multi protags, combat its yakuza 3, but better, playing as Akiyama is so good and more, the best progression system so far, no other yakuza did it better, I liked rooftops and undergrounds mall, side content was ok, but nothing special.

Also for faith.