Favourite games of 2019

My personal favourite games of 2019 (and this list could get updated if I missed something which I most likely have)

The greatest action game ever made. One of the rare times a long awaited sequel not only met expectations but exceeded them unlike we could have imagined. Heart wrenchingly sincere and stylishly confident. A triumphant return. I still can't believe exists nearly five years after its release.
Another high point in Fromsofts & Hidetaka Miyazaki's catalogue of diverse souls work. The boss fights are insanely gnarly and seeing them focus more on action mechanics makes me hope they push it even further in the future. Theres so much room for improvement on top of a already incredible game.
Probably the most personal game I've ever played. Suda51's love letter to games and explores what it means to come back to making games after the industry nearly broke his spirit by using the character he most saw himself in. The most meta game I've ever played that's borderline unapproachable if you have no established connection to this studios work. The gameplay is unfortunately where it struggles but the melancholic and bittersweet meta narrative matched up to its insane presentation more then makes up for it. play in co-op if you are able to.
Rightfully one of the greatest car racers ever made got a great remake. More of a learning curve then Mario Kart and when you learn its quirks and gimmicks makes for endless hours of Kart racing kino. Fuck you Activision
I'm so sorry I doubted you Nintendo for thinking this was going to be a soulless remake. The dreamlike atmosphere and tone of this game rivals Majoras Mask nightmares with something more blissful and sweet. A dream I never wanted to wake up from. Still one of my favourite Zelda games.
Hilarious and challenging, One stupid mans journey into fumbling so many baddies makes Catherine Full Body a riot.
After years of teasing and promises Capcom delivered a new fantastic version to the survival horror classic. Mr X still roams the halls in my nightmares. Wonderful sound work and oppressive in the way most modern survival horror still struggles to nail down.
We never got the MediEvil 2 remake because yawl didn't buy this when it was a $40 priced game. This is how you remake a game and keep all the soul.
One of the better surprises in recent memory. an Exhilarating FPS in a setting that feels like it has endless possibilities for gameplay and narrative opportunities.


While flawed and some areas for improvement, the highs of Remedy's Control more then make up for its middling elements. Insanely creative, world building so well ingrained most games would be jealous of to have and inklings of Alan Wakes II insane presentation are showcased in Remedy's otherworldly tale of supernatural oddities.
Short and beautifully impactful. its a interactive music album disguised as game.
The best and only BR you ever need. endless hours of my ass getting handed to.
If you felt disappointed by Bethesdas current works then Obsidian might give you the fix. Far from perfect but its charming.


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