3 hours of chasing around a monster with boring encounters, and ending it with that teaser really reminds me that paid dlc like this sucks. The teaser itself was neat, and the added Alan Wake lore was cool too but why wasn't this just included at launch as a side quest in the game for players to find I'll never understand.

Inspite of some questionable design choices, & poor enemy AI. Remedy's SciFi horror thriller still remains a surreal captivating experience of thrilling storytelling, rich lore, shifting realities & supernatural oddities. Hope AW2 is as good as their claiming it to be.

Only place worse a man can be condemned to then New Jersey...... Brazil

Women am I right? Thank you Remedy for accurately portraying my autobiography so well

The Order 1886 if it had soul

"All things end, all things burn to ash. But you, my friend, burn bright."

A genuinely fun stealth action adventure with some immersive sim elements in Arkane's gothic city assassin sandbox of crooked politicians, rotten rich folk, dirty police, thugs and one plague rapturing the streets of Dunwell still makes for some thoughtful level design, beautiful art direction and one wronged man's mission of revenge still a joy to surf through even if it wasn't as difficult (even on the highest setting) that I was hoping for.

Edit: yet another game I started on PC recently that corrupted my save and thus I had to settle for a inferior version thanks to PC versions just never letting me enjoy games in peace without some technical hitch.

"I'll come back for you"

I still greatly admire and respect Sam Lake & Remedy's ambitious multi media experiment, race against time, 12 monkeys/primer inspired blockbuster adventure. Even if it falls short of those ambitions with the cheaply made CW live action episodes that feel more like homework and a chore to work through then substantial. A story that almost try's too hard to be convoluted but feels too stuffed with countless files, emails and collectibles that tie into the web series that amount to really nothing and almost wished I got just a couple of shorter cutscenes in there place just to learn more about important character motivations and goals and not hit the brakes between each act to watch a subpar web series. Despite in all of its story woes and weirdly placed moments where interactivity is taken away the gameplay is a blast even if it borders on surface level with stagnant AI that even on the hardest difficulty didn't make for much of a challenge. The narrative hits a couple of fun satisfying payoffs and concepts that make up for a lot of its paper thin characters, and boring worldbuilding. In the end Quantum Break mostly is a mixed bag of fun campy action thrills, middling cheaply written sci-fi melodrama, a weird web series, and beautifully impressive visuals that never really amount to any of Remedy's highest points or into an expierence I love or hate but find rather puzzling and inconclusive.

Sidenote: PC Gamepass/MS store version has a broken graphical glitch you should avoid this version as theres no fix.

Gabe Newell and Valve might just be the kings of cucking

Trekking back through the citadel and city 17 wasn't so fun but the payoff is cool.

"Time, Dr. Freeman? Is it really that time again?"

Nearly 19 years later after its release, Valves sci-fi dystopian nightmare masterpiece follow up to the groundbreaking 1998 original precedes its long outstanding reputation as still one of the most essential pieces of gaming media.

"He was trying to buy sand for his hourglass... I wasn't selling any"

"I walked straight in, playing it Bogart, like I's done a hundred times before."

Remedy's hard boiled neo noir Gun-fu debut about a sigma cop out for blood reaches levels of peak fiction I didn't know were ever possible. Bonafide Kino.

"Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger"

While more of the same GR2 is an all thrills, no frills sequel and improved on pretty much most of the complaints I had with the predecessor to which were few but nothing detrimental to the core expierence. GR2 fuckin rules, once it starts it doesn't stop with few moments to breathe and a sequel that delivers on some of the best momentum traversal parkour, fast paced combat, and just a enough new additions to culminate into pure adrenaline action kino ecstasy. One of the years best.

A short & sweet video game equivalent to a short film/vignette that expresses the highs and lows of love and the lasting impact it leaves with us with some great use of minimalism in its approach to storytelling & gameplay.

Difficult not to compare to the works of Playdead but find its own grooves with a unique style with a dripping gross rot of Tim Burton, Henry Sellick and Phil Tippett mix of art and ghoulish atmosphere to soak up in its short runtime of 2ish hours it took breeze through. Decent October recommendation.