Had a lot of fun with this but overall it's not great. Feels pretty unnecessary

I actually really enjoyed this entry, It felt just different enough that it was refreshing for me at the time it came out. I remember playing like 40 hours of this game the weekend it was released. I think I actually played through this entry multiple times unlike any of the other pokemon games.

Kind of cute for a little bit but nothing that special.

Not huge on this game, but it was cool getting to see all my favorite pokemon in 3d. Doubt this would hold up at all if I replayed it.

Wish I liked this game but it was honestly a pretty frustrating experience. The first few hours were, magical especially playing it on the ps5, but once things started going it began to frustrate me. I really don't like the open-world design of this as well as the way progression is handled in this. Played 20-25 hours of this and wasn't having fun anymore so I saw no point in continuing.

Really enjoyed this game overall. Fun gameplay and a solid story to guide you through a 50-hour campaign. Some sections of this game were a bit tedious, but overall I really enjoyed playing through this.

Only played about half of this but it was alright from what I played. The story was solid but the gameplay got a bit repetitive quickly. Won't finish but I enjoyed what I played.

Slightly better than the first game just in the sense that it was fresh to play the first time but not the second. Solid combat and a fun concept but overall not really for me

Actually a good campaign with really fun gameplay.

Not my favorite lego game but it was pretty fun.

Was not a very big fan of this campaign. The levels weren't all that memorable and the campaign overworld was my least favorite of the whole series. The core gameplay is still pretty good but I just did not care for this.

Pretty enjoyable campaign mode in this.

Not my favorite roguelike by any means, but it's pretty fun.

Short and fun, can't really ask for much else. Does a good job of showing off some cool stuff with the ps5 controller.

I remember seeing the trailer for this when it first premiered and I was excited about this game for a long time. Unfortunately the game kind of sucks. Not a lot of interesting things going on with its gameplay and the story is honestly pretty bad. Just extremely disappointed with how this turned out.