Played a mission or two back when this came out and it didn't really hook me. I'd like to give it another shot but I think I'll just wait for the next game on the series x and ps5.

Didn't play that much of this but I liked what I played. Cute little game.

Played a solid amount of this but never really loved it. It's alright but nothing I really wanted to finish.

Played through most but not all of this game when I was younger. Can't say that I remember it well enough to fully rate it but I have fond memories of the game overall.

Liked what I played, just never got around to getting through this. I know I will come back to this one weekend and just grind out the game though.

I'm sure I would really enjoy this but I just know I won't have the time. Played a solid amount of hours of this and have enjoyed what I played. Will probably play Elder Scrolls 6 though.

Only played this for an hour, but it's definitely not for me. The gameplay was solid but I just knew I wouldn't get invested in this.

This review was written before the game released

I wanted this to be good so bad, but you're basically giving me the same amount of new content that I was getting a year with the original game, except now you are pay-walling heroes and charging $20 a skin. I like the gameplay changes they made though and I hope I can come back to this one day and really enjoy Overwatch like I used to.

Easily my most played game ever. The gameplay was just so much fun. Also one of the first games I bought after getting the Xbox One. Wish there was more longevity with it but I can't really complain about any $40 game that gives me well over 500 hours worth of content.


Honestly, this game just wasn't for me. Played about a third of it or a little more and wasn't interested in playing anymore. As visually interesting as the game is, I did not find it all that engaging.

Started playing this during free-to-play and actually had a blast with it. Unfortunately though, this is the type of game that just gets boring after a while. Even with updates I don't think I'd come back.

This review was written before the game released

This game had fun gameplay but overall felt lacking in content. Really it fell into the same predicament as Halo Infinite, love playing the game but there's not a ton to do unless you enjoy just playing casual multiplayer over and over again. It seems like content has pretty much stopped releasing at this point which is a shame, wanted to see this game succeed.

Kind of underrated tbh. I started playing in like February of 2022 so I'm assuming the game was a lot better than how it was at launch, but I enjoyed playing this game every day for like 8-9 months. They introduced a new track practically every two weeks and even had some original tracks to the series. The core gameplay with combos and multipliers was extremely addictive and the experience as a free-to-play player was generally pretty good. I didn't feel like I needed to pay money to get some of the things I really wanted. Overall one of the better mobile games I've ever played.

This is probably my least favorite Mario Kart that I've owned in my life. I was too young at the time to be any good at snaking or even just drifting in general, so I don't think I really got the proper experience with this one. Still played the game to death though.

I think 8 Deluxe is the overall better game, but this is still probably my personal favorite Mario Kart. Incredibly unbalanced, but that is almost what makes it fun at times. Funky Flame Runner with the inside drift and wheelies makes this so satisfying to play and master.