If you like realistic mechanisms and firearm operation, H3VR is the best VR game you can get. It's been getting constant updates since 2016 and has easily made its way not only into my regular rotation, but has become an active and ongoing part of my routine.

It's a little clunky and obtuse when you first start out, but with some coming updates featuring an updated item spawner and HMD specific tutorial system, the learning curve should be much more flat.

With a ton of modes included, besides various types of ranges, there is a lot to see, do, and discover - and that's not even counting the leaderboards for their most popular mode, Take and Hold!

It's my favourite VR game, and all I do in it is shoot at hot dogs. Buy it.

The best multiplayer shooter on the market. Every other shooter looks at siege and says "wow, I wish I could be so cool!"

Longtime players just say "this game sucks but I love it!"

The best of the Post-RE4 style survival horror games. An absolute joy to go through each and every time.

Watch out for alarm clocks!

The game that changed the pace of the entire industry, but ported to the Wii! Capcom really made some of the best games of all time, and this one is incredibly indicative of that.

The first truly cinematic game.

This grabbed me by my baby shoulders back in 1998 and told me to pay close attention to how Video Games will evolve to be like this.

This is the pinnacle of what the PS1 could accomplish, and unfortunately sits as a sad reminder of the glory days of the Konami of my youth.

This game gave me a flash step. Best official Metroid game I've ever played.

(Sorry AM2R!)

The best Father and Son simulator on the market.

The game that got me into VR.

I got a secondhand Oculus Rift for 80$ in the middle of 2021, and the first thing I did was play Alyx for my best friend over discord. We laughed, we cowered, we had an incredible time. If not for H3Vr, this would be the best VR game I own.

Everything Alyx does feels like Valve magic coming back from far beneath the cracked ground to revitalize a world that sorely needs the help. I just hope their next attempt comes soon, or it may mean too little too late.

I have a lot to say about this game, but not a lot of time to do it.

I've likely spent literal years of time playing this game.

The story is an incredibly varied trip, the characters are all bonkers, the writing is funny, and it all comes together as a time travel story should.

Multiplayer AI is busted and amazing at the same time, sniping feels great, guns are fun and interesting and all unique.

This needs a 4k remaster pronto.

I wrote a 112 page journal to keep track of my progress and any points of intrigue.

This encompassed the majority of Limgrave alone, as I basically stopped it after the Rennala fight.

This game is cool enough to make me want to draw MAPS and take NOTES, like a CRPG.

Plus I shot lasers at bosses and kill them in 15 seconds.

Great game. Probably GOTY 2022. Best Fromsoft game.

Edit: Having completed the game on April 8th, I can conclusively say this is the best open world game I've ever played, let alone the best Fromsoft game (sorry Bloodborne!)

The map is densely packed, deviating from the industry standard of "make big map and populate it with sparse busywork." Like, there's almost TOO much in this game. And that absolutely rocks.

There's also some of the best boss fights I've ever seen, both in a mechanical and spectacle sense. More often than not, you get BOTH complexity and a crazy show, and that's just awesome.

I've beaten this game "as intended" before any nerfs or patches changed bosses (RIP to my fave, Sword of Night and Flame, which honestly still rocked through 80% of my playthrough anyway), but that's not important - I believe as long as you beat the boss, through cheese, summoning, or legit memorization/perfect timing, you won. And these bosses are seriously not a joke, you might need a ton of help based on your build or skillset. But when you win, it feels better than any From game before.

Simply the best game of all time. What else is there to say?

An absolute darling for competitive indie stealth action. This game is fun eve if it's 2v2, 2v1, 1v1, it never gets old.

The options you have are easily able to get a grasp of, and can be used in a lot of ways that one may not expect.

Highly recommend, even if you have to host your own servers to play it; the community is still rather small as of March 2022.

Just get drunk and play with buddies, it's great.

This review contains spoilers

Commentary on a socialist government while manipulating the masses through what is shown on the news, based on your own decisions and influence? It's like this game was made for me!

Incredible content for incredible value.

It's like 4$, just buy it today.

Maybe my GOTY 2021.

Tons of fun trying to solve a time loop murder mystery, where you're the one doing the murder.

Highly recommended. Possibly the best Arkane game.