409 Reviews liked by SanjayRamesh

Probably the most impressive looking game I've yet played on the PS5 - couldn't stop thinking about how EXPENSIVE and lavishly produced it was while playing. My favorite moments were quiet transportive ones, diving into bodies of water as waves realistically rolled in, biological suds forming on top.

Was unfortunately bored for the majority of the experience, though. The sidequests had more character than in the 1st installment but the main quest was less so, in large part because the unfolding mystery of the world and your place in it was already covered in the first. I really think I'm done with open-world games where you predominantly follow prompts to see content, repeat. Combat would have been the saving grace but as fun and flashy as it is, it doesn't have the legs to power a 100 hr. adventure for me the way the combat of a From Soft or Monster Hunter game does.

Burning Shores was pretty dope, tho.

Kinda the most beautiful game to exist (graphics wise)
Gameplay was improved in every way too from the first one

Truly a prime and the best example on how remakes should be made. Capcom is goated for this video game.

Honestly after RE3remake I wasn’t sure how Capcom would deliver RE4remake and I have to say this game was no disappointment AT ALL. First off I was always curious on how RE4 would look like with today’s modern graphics and I was blown away by it. I was always on the edge of my seat because I never had a moment in this game where I didn’t feel ominous. The visuals and small attentions to detail that stood out to me A LOT. This game better improves many of the mechanics from the original. Not saying the original is bad but this remake definitely made those same mechanics feel fresh. The puzzles are fun as always. They always seem challenging but after completing them I just feel so badass to accomplish them. Something Capcom always executed perfectly is the combat. I feel overwhelmed knowing many enemies are coming my direction with very little ammo left and I somehow still manage to survive. Despite Capcom using this concept I NEVER get tired of it as I love the feeling of relief afterwards. I also love all the weapons you can use. It’s awesome that you can now parry incoming attacks using your knife. I’m the assault kind of guy so I primarily focus on sub machine guns and the shot gun felt very essential when I struggled to take down bigger and tougher enemies. Luckily the merchant is still around and I still love him. Always seems reasonable for business all while delivering on cheesy lines. My only problem with the merchant is that he doesn’t usually have ammo in stock when I desperately need it. You can also do side missions for the merchant which will give you Spinels so that you can trade rather than buy items from him. These side missions were fairly straightforward and simple to do so I had fun. They also added stealth mechanics to this game. This isn’t a very big aspect and it’s simple to do and it’s not complex. In some cases to take out a few enemies it works but Resident Evil games were never about stealth for me as it’s more fun to run around guns blazing. The enemies were FREAKISHLY overwhelming and I mean that in a good way. Some enemies would come back to life so I wasn’t always sure if they were really dead or not and it would catch me off guard sometimes. Capcom also did great in getting you to use your knife carefully as it can break. And the boss fights were so fucking epic. Capcom always made horrifying and disgusting bosses that make your skin crawl and the fights itself are full of action. And of course there are many changes but this time I really didn’t mind most of them as it did help improve this remake from the original and added features that were all well worth it.

Story is great and full of excitement. I’ve always loved Leon being this chill man but a professional at what he does. He’s reliable and a badass. Story had a few changes here and there but the major changes to the story were for Luis and Ashley. I’m so glad we got more of Luis and doesn’t seem like a throwaway character. And this time I actually really cared about Ashley a lot. I never knew she needed this character development until I played this game and it got me so hooked on her. She’s a nice young lady that learns what she needs to do and got along with Leon. Something many people didn’t like were the interactions between Ada and Leon but I do appreciate how Capcom handled Ada’s and Leon’s relationship. On one hand I do prefer their interactions from the original RE4 but on the other hand their interactions felt more realistic in the remake. Let’s not forget in RE2remake Ada basically played with Leon’s feelings for her own personal gain which got Leon to distrust her. It’s understandable why Leon gave Ada the cold shoulder in this remake. And I appreciate it because whenever you have a loved one that tricks you to be a fool, it’s natural human behavior to be rude and distrust them or at least be more cautious around them and RE4remake is more believable on that aspect. And it’s obvious Ada still does care about Leon but he has a ways to go before he realizes that. Otherwise Ada and Leon are perfect for each other, after all who doesn’t want a gorgeous woman like Ada who gifts you an RPG at the end of the game? Right…? Jokes aside I love setting of this game, the village, the castle and island in Spain worked out great and parasites can be soooooooo creepy.

Capcom outdid themselves, they delivered on a remake that I can say is my favorite remake of all time. The original RE4 is already a phenomenal game for its time and RE4remake is a modern classic. I can go on forever with the amount changes that were made but I don’t want to make my review any longer than it already is. But I’ve already started on NG+ and I look forward to doing everything I can accomplish in this game. Not sure what Capcom has plans for next but I will patiently wait for it with a smile on my face.

Granblue Fantasy Relink is an incredible game that falls short from greatness.

I would say that I’m just a casual fan for Granblue Fantasy and this game truly makes Granblue Fantasy very exciting. I’ve watched the anime and it had okay action, but this game truly feels like it does justice for how amazing the action can be. The visuals and graphics for this game look insanely good. I can tell they put a lot of effort into the art direction. Granblue Fantasy has always had a beautiful and wondrous world. Everything from a vast flow of clouds to its various islands. Something Cygames nailed with GBFR is the exciting adventure. I loved going through different biomes and running through chaos from the many actions sequences you’ll go through. It really did feel like an adventure and that’s something I did appreciate. The combat is well handled, you can choose to play as many characters most of which you unlock by obtaining crewmate cards. You can use up to 4 skills and it’s cool how you can pretty much make everyone in your party as powerful as you want, but of course becoming powerful takes time. Honestly you can go through the story at your own pace. If you’re just here for the story, you can do that but if you want to take the time to do other things to beef yourself up you can do that as well. And that’s where the quest counter comes in. This is where I start to have issues with GBFR. Don’t get me wrong on one hand I do love the quest counter to under take quests. But overall, the quests are just repeats of story missions that you’ve already done which is a bummer to say the least. Other than that they weren’t all that bad considering these quests have certain challenges for you to meet such as beating the quest in a certain amount of time or defeating a certain amount of foes in which you’re ranked based on your performance. There’s also side quests which are a let down in my opinion. Every single side quest is just go fetch or kill a certain enemy quest and it didn’t help that they were SUPER easy to do. Most side quests I accept would already be done before even starting the side quest. It would’ve been really nice to at least get some story telling from those side quest. But where GBFR truly shines is the combat. Every skill, power or advantage is worth looking into to find a play style that best suits you. I played as Charlotta for most of the game since I love her rapid and bright attacks. It really wasn’t until post game that started to play as other characters honestly. And the Boss fights are GODLY! The boss fights have so much chaos and flashy moves that I really just don’t get bored of replaying to fight some these bosses which is an option after you beat the main story. Something I didn’t like about the combat is the lock on system. It’s important to lock on to enemies to get a good hit in but my goodness they way the camera works can make thing difficult not to mention frustrating. As for the post game content, I really don’t have much to say other than is not crucial to play this part of the game. I did it simply because the gameplay is fun and wanted more closure for a certain character.

As for the story, it was a decent one at best. Every single character is likable. Something that definitely made this game worth while is watching the anime before playing because you get to know some of the characters and how they met to become a group. I honestly don’t remember there being a character that I disliked or hated in the story. However, I dare say that Gran felt pretty questionable. I feel like Cygames just didn’t give him much to say and that really took away his personality from the anime. But of course you don’t need to watch the anime like me especially since the Quest Counter provides Fate Episodes which give you a backstory for every playable character. Unfortunately these fate episodes are just a voice over of text with a background shot. It would’ve been nice to actually get some cutscenes from the Fate Episodes. Luckily, every character does get 2 playable quests for the Fate Episodes and it’s probably still worth checking out some of these Fate Episodes just to increase your stats. Other than that the story is still pretty good.

Granblue Fantasy Relink is a worth while video game not just for its incredible gameplay but for its fun adventure. I’m sure Cygames is proud of this project and did for the most part do justice for the world of Granblue Fantasy. I can’t wait to see where the adventure of Gran and Lyria take them next.

Aren't we being a bit too harsh on this one? Futurism sounded like a problem but all this did was inject novelty to the tiresome "Lock, shoot n' reload" formula that staled badly on Ghosts, with novel exo-suit gadgets lending hand for a toolbox of FPS gameplay shapeshifting at your grasp. Wanna go stealth? There's a cloaking device. Wanna breach? There's a riot shield in there with tracking drone grenades. The campaign is a generic runaway plot, but there's a dandy system of upgrades to keep you frivolously improving your game and Spacey's role as the main baddie amuses for a popcorny while. What can i say, Underwood's got a punchable face. And it's a lean, easygoing and mindlessly popcorn underdog title of the franchise. It feels like a stepping stone for BO3 by kickstarting the slide and flying mechanics. Frankly overhated, with a gnarly short campaign to boot and can you tell this one started that " F " to pay respect meme? Seriously, that's an universal achievement.

finally i played this game idk why took so many years to try this game and finally that day came and i am glad that i finished this good game

it doesn't feel like far cry game..

this game i so much fun and so much hard

this game was so much on the hype but not for me i played this game and it is nothing special

this game is something else so gooood

Remedy has to stop giving all their "good stories but half-baked gameplay" IPs to Microsoft because this game is just begging for an Alan Wake 2-tier sequel. There are a few moments where the otherwise standard (but very well-written) time travel plot veers ever so briefly into rad as hell territory, but those aspects of the narrative never get their proper moment in the sun and are largely left for us to speculate about. I would love to see what Sam Lake and his merry band of madlads cook up with those concepts now that the foundation of this world has been firmly established, but alas, Quantum Break is likely locked up in the Recycle Bin alongside Internet Explorer for the foreseeable future. Ah well, at least we've got legally distinct Tim(e) Breaker and Warlin Door now.

I'd give this a solid "check it out" even if I can only muster to rate it "good", because there's a wonderful sense of ambition on display here. Like, love it or hate it, you're not gonna find another game that plays full, live-action TV show episodes with dynamic content based on decisions you made in the gameplay segments in between its narrative chapters. Most people would call that very concept absurd just due to simple logistics, but Remedy will not be dissuaded by such mundane troubles. Sure, the episodes are shot like the digital display ads you might find in a dentist's office between fillings, but goddamn I'll give them props for going for it all the same.

Of course, it helps that Lance Reddick brings his best to every scene he's in, because that's just how he rolls. Rest in peace, man - gone too soon for real.

in terms of competitive multiplayer games this is the best you can get the rank system is great the gunplay while not the best out of its competitors is still good and the abilities feel smooth use on each agent the monetization is not good at all even for being a free game