410 Reviews liked by SanjayRamesh

I hated this game, couldn’t even force myself through it, same with the person I played it with. I don’t understand how it was worse than the first game in basically every aspect. Extremely disappointing.

- 🦝🦝🦝 -
Pues no me parecio mal juego, esta muy bien graficamente y jugable pero tiene varias cosas malas, tipo el juego me duro como unas 4 horas xd, practicamente no da miedo, no hay casi puzzles y nemesis se siente imponente al inicio, pero con cada pelea se mira más y más débil tambien algo basureado xd.
Este Resident lo sentí muy desperdicíado en cuanto su trama y forma de explorar el otro lado de Rc y no creo que valga pagar los 60, 50, 40 o 30 dolares que le pongan de precio por él.

After 80+ hours, I finally get to talk about Elden Ring, FromSoftware's first Open World game.
Unexpectedly enough, despite being FromSoftware's first Open World game, the open world in Elden Ring is quite possibly the best open world I've seen in a videogame... and that's mind-blowing. Seriously though, Elden Ring's open world proves how talented the developers at FromSoftware are; it has an overwhelming amount of optional content and surprises, the map size is absolutely massive, the world design is fascinating and the sense of freedom & exploration is simply unmatched, however, it's not necessarily perfect; the catacombs are repetitive and some bosses are re-used multiple times.
On top of the open world though, Elden Ring features the Legacy Dungeons; big areas that follow the traditional, complex level design of Dark Souls.
The gameplay in Elden Ring is Dark Souls III's gameplay but much better in literally every way + some additional mechanics to make things more accessible, even though the camera is still awkward at times.
The visuals are beautiful, the environments are breathtaking and the music is incredible.
Also, there's an endless amount of different weapons, armor sets, spells and items for unique builds.
Lastly, the bosses - particularly the Demigods - are some of the most spectacular and challenging bosses I've ever seen in a videogame.

+ Huge map filled with content
+ Engaging & rewarding exploration
+ Wonderful level design
+ Fun & diverse gameplay with accessible mechanics
+ Amazing visuals and music
+ Impressive bosses

- Re-used content in some instances
- Flawed camera

Gameplay: 9/10
Content: 10/10
Music: 10/10
Graphics/Audio: 9/10

Final Rating: 10/10
- Masterpiece -
Elden Ring is the culmination and evolution of everything FromSoftware has done in the past 13 years, making it the ultimate Souls game yet.
With Elden Ring, the developers at FromSoftware have outdone themselves and managed to deliver their best work to date... and one of the best videogames I've ever played.

Do I recommend it?:
Elden Ring is a must-play, especially if you're a fan of Open World games.

Incredible game. It was my step into the world of single player games again. Also made me understand what kind of games I prefer more, referring to open world exploration or more linear games. Definitely a great experience, and long time spent.

Amazing game. Hopefully Elden Ring will serve as a blueprint for how Fromsoft will handle future releases. It's truly extraordinary how much there is to do and discover in Elden Ring. The gameplay will take some getting used to and as its a soulsbourne, it's quite unforgiving but very rewarding in a typical Fromsoft way.

I honestly didn’t expect much for this game but it was better than I thought.

Terraria is an interesting handled great in some way and questionable in others. I actually started playing Terraria in early 2021 because my best friend kept bugging me to play it with him. Before I even played, I really had no interest whatsoever and it thanks to my friend I was able to have a lot of fun. First off I just want to say I love the soundtrack. It suits the game very well and fits in perfectly with the pixel art style. This is pretty much a survival game where you can build what you want and go out into the world to collect resources to better improve yourself with many caves, secrets and loot to find. All with lots of enemy variety that will can sometimes kill you easily if you’re not prepared. And the boss fight are a great challenge to take on with friends. I also just want to say that I LOVE the amount of different weapons. With will have basic weapons to weapons with unique abilities and some simply just taken from media I love and enjoy. That also goes for clothing as well since I acquired a creeper costume from Minecraft. Exploring cave not knowing what I’ll find most of the time was just incredible and the art style made me get so invested to observe many of the biomes or caves I explore. But even with all of that I did often get boring. For me it just got repetitive after a while and it got to a point where I wouldn’t even play on my own time and that brings us to 2023. I really only played Terraria when my best friend came over and we would also play along with his girlfriend. Something I hated how the cross play is handled. In 2021 I was able to play on my PS5 while my friend played on his mobile phone. Back then it worked fine but today we can’t do that and we eventually started playing on our Switches instead. No idea what the developers did but that felt like a major low blow that they never addressed.

You can even do quests for random characters you’ll meet in the world you generate. It’s fun and all but other than that there isn’t really a story which is fine since not every video game needs a story to be cool like Terraria.

I think Terraria is a chill and fascinating game that executes many of its idea perfectly. The problem is these kinds of games don’t generally appeal since I’m not exactly the most creative gamer out there. I’ll continue to play at least when my friend is around, but this is where I stop generally playing Terraria and consider myself retired from this game.

100% worth it as a collection: the best bang for your buck with 6 iconic games for the price of 1. If you're not into Halo, pass, but if you're looking to get into the series, this is the place to start.

"Trust me"

Been a long time since I played a great first-person shooter(FPS). And to my delight, Titanfall 2 exceeded my expectations beyond ‘great’. To the point, it has solidified into one of my favorite FPS games. Trust me, It’s a titanic achievement and one I feel deserves a review. So here it is.

You play as Jack Cooper. A run-of-the-mill rifleman in the distant future. Where humanity somehow has colonized other worlds and where titans, big hulking mechs you can pilot dominate the battlefield. He has been assigned to learn under a mentor who pilots a titan. However, after training, events spiral out of control and he must now stop a corporation called Interstellar Manufacturing Corporation(IMC) from launching a super weapon that threatens a militia planet called Harmony.

Outgunned, outmatched, and without any nearby allies it’s up to him to turn the tide. And boy does the game detail his journey throughout and whether or not he will succeed. Jack doesn’t start with much, but soon enough he can pilot a titan. A titan with personality and artificial intelligence. And one who can converse with Jack. This is an interesting mix to the FPS formula where usually I’m alone in combating many baddies with some occasional support from my allies. Here we see the bond between Jack and his titan called BT-7274(or BT for short) emerge and man it is one of the strongest points the game has to offer. Jack is young, inexperienced, and most of all doesn’t know how to pilot a Titan. And yet BT has no problem showing him the ropes. Awesome to see and integrated, not half-baked either since there are plenty of moments where BT will mentor and guide Jack as they go up against the IMC. Providing a fascinating buddy companion who can think for themselves while allowing you to pilot them and work together to eliminate hostiles.

Super thumbs up on the gameplay. Providing a mirror's edge-esque ability to wall run and jump innately. Keeping the momentum fresh and not awkward. It feels good to go between walls again and again while evading enemy fire. And the checkpoint system here is very balanced, so you don’t lose a lot of progress going from one area to the next upon death. Level-wise it's linear, With areas to explore. Not always corridors either. There’s plenty of open space to explore here. And even better when the game will throw a puzzle here and there to keep the pace ongoing. I can hide using an innate stealth camo. And kill any enemies from behind. Jump into my titan and mow down enemies and seamlessly jump out and fight baddies without my Titan. Level design is very varied and I didn’t see much copy-paste design. Interesting biomes to see, fight and traverse, and enough to tinker your brain with puzzle segments and more. It doesn’t bedazzle us with explosions and more explosions without context. There is motive and purpose here as you progress through the plot to stopping the IMC.

Frenetic, yet balanced. This is how I’d describe the gameplay formula as you blaze your way through new areas. There are plenty of weapons scattered throughout the levels and I feel the game structures the weapon placement pretty well. There’s enough to be varied and quite a lot of grenades to choose from as well. So I didn’t have trouble picking new weaponry or looting ammo. If anything, the weapon diversity is included when you pilot a titan. With their own unique abilities equipped. Some can project a shield to reflect enemy fire. Launch multiple rockets. Place mines on a grid, launch a fire salvo or lay pound the ground and set the ground on fire in a vertical direction to burn soldiers. Each time you pick up a new weapon for BT, you can choose from more than five different weapon load-outs. Each with their own abilities attached and unique ultimate abilities too. Of course, you don’t unlock them all early on. You have to progress through the game to earn it.

I constantly used different titan weaponry load-outs as I fought baddies. You’ll use them extensively since you can’t just mow down enemies inside a titan all day. And its incredibly boring using the same old weapon again and again. So I really love the fact you can switch to different load-outs you have available. There are fights with other larger enemies… So I made good use of which weapon and abilities I needed to combat them. I found those battles to be cool and enjoyed them thoroughly since each one offers a different combat advantage from the other enemies. Not going to say any more on that though. Best to experience it blind in my opinion. One last thing before I delve into my critique.

There is an aspect introduced part way, which elevated the game further in my eyes. It’s done in a way that feels natural and became one of my favorite moments. I want to gush about it more, but I don’t want to keep this review longer than intended.

Now, my mixed feelings.

I kind of wish the campaign was longer. I clocked in at just a little over five hours and every moment was savored throughout the game. I feel just a bit more length could’ve propelled the stronger points to greater heights and explored a deeper sense of world-building in the sense of who and what kind of military are we siding with at the beginning of the game and throughout. Titans history. How they function, how they came to be, their combat effectiveness, and any historical significance regarding major/minor battles in history. Jack Cooper’s background and more. We don’t learn much about him really in his past, his relationships with anyone he knows from familial to friends he made in the past. There are audio logs throughout the game, and I did listen to them. They provide extra detail in the world and characters which I appreciate, but still not enough. I think a codex would be a nice addition to learning more about the world and characters here.

While I did appreciate the short campaign nature. The additional missions could've helped let the game breathe so to speak. Granted there are moments, where the pace will let you slow down and breathe, but these moments are few and far in between to truly grasp the world here and the main plot. I feel Titanfall 2 fails in this aspect to immerse me further. I would've included cutscenes, to flesh out the main character and BT more. Along with the villains and side-cast as well. Moreover, briefings could be longer to let the player ask questions and delve more into the tactical, and strategic side of things. Thereby, allowing Jack and BT to have more moments to shine throughout the game and show more moments where it's not just fighting.

Additionally, this may be a hot take, but I would like a health bar to see when I'm fighting on foot. I died more on foot than my time piloting a titan. Since I could adjust and know when to retreat. Here the health bar is when the screen would darken with blood on all corners of my screen and would become larger the more Jack is hit. I feel this isn’t a good way to implement a health system. And while I appreciate the immersiveness of it, I think players would be better off with a visible health bar so they can know when to retreat and recover health naturally.

It's weird having these mixed feelings since there were plenty of moments that stood out to me. In areas where it does have strengths and lows where it needs improvement to go from excellent to truly masterful. There is potential here. And I am here for it. If the developers at Respawn Entertainment ever come back to making another Titanfall campaign.

And that’s it! I don't play a lot of FPS. But this one exceeded my expectations a lot. It doesn't boast the sheer scale of Halo. Nor does it reach the banter I love from the Bad Company games. Doesn't even touch the powerful abilities like Crysis. Nor delving deep into psychological themes like Spec Ops: The Line. Instead, Titanfall 2 shines in the sheer mobility of run and gun here. Interesting level design and transitions kept my interest afloat and I haven’t personally seen it done in other FPS games. Even going above and beyond by introducing an aspect I love and the developers deciding “Let’s go wack” only adds to the sheer balls of them to do so. And it just works. Fluidly and organically without throwing my suspense of disbelief and destroying it with a meteor strike. The fact you can pilot a mech and they can talk to you adds so much to the gameplay and level structure. Great bonding moments between man and machine. Easily a must-play for any FPS fan and even those curious to try an first person shooter for the first time.


Bonitinho, mas nada demais, um jogo curtinho sobre a amizade de uma gata e um coelho.

Actually had a lot more fun with this game than I was expecting to.
For one, it looks absolutely gorgeous, and it uses the familiar Ubisoft gameplay hook of throwing you into a big city with a bunch of icons to collect - which my ADHD/Gaming OCD brain eats up. I played the whole game solo and completed most of the content. The only thing left to do would be to replay missions and run around the Dark Zone to get better gear, but I don't see the purpose of doing that at all as I've completed the game's storyline.
The game is not perfect by any means though. It does suffer from bullet-sponge boss design and repetition, especially in mission variety, but I actually never really had too much of an issue with anything. I had zero expectations of what this game even was to be honest. I thought it was just a multiplayer shooter for the longest time, but a buddy told me it had a story mode I could solo. That was literally the only reason I tried it out. I hadn't even seen what the gameplay looked like before trying it! It was kinda fun to just turn off my brain, throw on podcasts and just run around the post-apocalyptic New York City. Sure, there are quality-of-life improvements that could have been made such as vehicle navigation, or the ability to spawn outside safehouses if you get murked randomly, but overall I had a good time with this experience.

Eternights is a solid video game for what it has to offer but deserves better.

This is the type of game that many should really ask themselves if this game is for you. I’ve played many games like this during my high school days and being the big weeb that I was, this game just SCREAMS your typical ecchi anime and I don’t mean that as a bad thing personally. So if you’re expecting this to be like Persona, Eternights is similar but generally does its own thing in comparison to Persona. Eternights isn’t nearly as dense or complex as a Persona game. Eternights has a fairly simple combat system, it’s an action game that tends to make you use your abilities at the right moment but doesn’t stop from using them when you want. You’ll have a skill tree system to upgrade your abilities but it really doesn’t get anymore complex other than that. There are enemy encounters that will challenge you, overall the challenges for me weren’t that difficult but I was still getting enjoyment out of it. You go through dungeons where you fight these enemies and solve puzzles which can be very easy and some will take a bit more thinking. I love the art style of this game. And no it’s not just because it’s anime. The cool thing about art styles and visual views in video games are simply that they can make the world feel more alive and that is something I believe Eternights did a great job executing. The atmosphere and vibrant lighting in this game really just made me love the visuals of this game. And that’s not to say that some visuals were undercooked but not necessarily noticeable. Something I definitely didn’t like were the were the facial animations. Some look really awkward and ridiculous and I wish they worked more on that. And you get a slice of life aspect to this game that I really enjoyed. You get to hang out with characters you can bond with and eventually romance. You can even train with the characters you meet in which you’ll play mini games in order to upgrade your stats for combat. The soundtrack is underappreciated, I found it really cool and relaxing.

Story wise, I had a few mixed opinions. I liked the story and the direction it was heading. It quite literally does have the kind of plot for an anime or manga but I felt like this story was a little too straightforward. For a story I did like, I just feel like there really wasn’t a big climax. When you get near the end of the story and can feel it coming and it’s just over. And that’s not to say the characters aren’t interesting because they are. I really liked Yuna and I thought at one point I would even romance her but Min was more of my kind of girl. For me Min is by far the most brave character in the game. We also Sia who’s very optimistic and we have Yohan who has some of the best voice acting, I just don’t swing that way with dudes, honestly. And we also have Chani who I feel like he redeemed himself to a certain extent and I wish there was more to him than that. We have more characters but they overall don’t have any depth to their characters. They have reason to be in the story but nothing that interesting or deep. It’s overall a basic and generic story. Besides all of that there is a lot of lewd humor for this game that will bother some people. And without saying much about the ending, it at least made sense and gives me closure. Not everyone will feel the same about the ending. So to speak, it’s arguable that this is one of those “opening endings” kind of thing.

Eternights is cool and a solid game and that’s great for a game that only cost me $30, unfortunately it does feel pretty dull at times. While the combat is at least fun it’s rough around the edges. If you’re looking for a short and fun game to play then I highly recommend Eternights but then again, don’t forget to ask yourself if this game really is for you. I can see a DLC or even a sequel for Eternights but even if there isn’t then I’m at least satisfied with the experience I got from Eternights.

Pep's Season of Spooks - Game 18
The culmination of everything Remedy Entertainment have worked for in the last 22 years.

I'm not going to post a lengthy review for this one, you absolutely need to play this if you can. This sets a new standard for storytelling in games. It looks incredible and plays great, with excellent writing and acting throughout the twisty plot. I'm genuinely going to be thinking about this game for weeks, possibly even months.

Sorry RE4 Remake, Alan Wake II just beat you out for my horror game of the year.

Scary Rating 7/10 - Overall Rating 9/10

With the recent Spider-Man comics hitting an all time low due to a new character named Paul character assassinating a beloved fan-favorite and a controversial change in the PS5 remastered version and upcoming sequel. I felt it was time to try out Marvel’s Spider-Man by Insomniac. Been more than two decades of not playing any spidey games. The only ones I played back then were the Playstation One games. After twenty-six hours doing everything possible I must say. It is so amazing coming back to Insomniac's take on the Wall-crawler. Filled with enough uniqueness to feel fresh from the comics, TV shows and movies they garnered. First, let’s start with the good stuff.

Story actually surprised me a great deal. I expected an underwhelming one and instead received an almost spectacular and sinister plot. Keeping me interested as scenes pass by wondering what else is in store for our human arachnid. You play as none other than twenty-three year old Peter Benjamin Parker. A dude who still struggles to properly balance his workload as a lab assistant to Dr. Otto and stopping the next villain attack when the police can’t do it as his alter ego Spider-man, and helping the little guys of course. Still keeping his identity a secret to mostly everyone while spending time as a hero for the past eight years. All of this he has to juggle while internally dealing with the aftermath of breaking up with Mary Jane Watson. Close confidant, best-friend and at one time his girlfriend. Who is employed as a reporter for the Daily Bugle. Life ain't easy for the spider-menace! As one J. Jonah Jameson(JJJ) puts it. But the New Yorkers in the big apple appreciate his help, even if he’s battling a big corporate guy named Wilson Fisk with a contact in the police department named Yuri Watanabe. And oh boy do I get mixed up between the two since Yuri Lowenthal voices Peter Parker heh. You’ll see Pete struggling with his professional duties while dealing with the new villains popping up after Fisk is gone. It’s an engrossing tale I couldn’t stop playing to know what happens in the next scene. Where good o’l Parker luck strikes again leaving our webslinger hanging by the tightest of threads against past adversaries you can’t miss out on.

Gameplay is as satisfying as eating a pepperoni pizza from Eddie’s. Very tasteful. Although, best not to do Spidey tasks on a full stomach whilst swinging across the tall skyscrapers. I’ve never felt better swinging from street to street seeing iconic places like Hell’s Kitchen, Bar with no name, Avengers tower, Brooklyn bridge, Central Park and so many more. My nostalgia is getting to me from visiting the places back then in real life. Excusing the fictional areas. I had a lot of fun swinging and pushing myself to the limit in going faster, zipping across city buildings to reach my destination. So much so, I barely used fast traveling at all! And the amount of customization. Oh by the One Above all, it is freaking awesome! There’s a bunch of suits you can gain from the story and free updates the game has. A list of my favorites include: Scarlet, Raimi, Wrestler, classic, armor MK III, 2099 black, vintage comic book, last stand, spirit and cyborg. Other’s are good too, but these I spent the most of my time in. Interestingly some story suits/side activities you complete have suit powers. Think of these as ultimate abilities. Activating once you reach enough charge. You can web enemies quickly, charge focus(another bar to defeat enemies quickly and regain health), use iron tentacles, have a shield, gain massive strength, emit fire, summon holo decoys and even use an ability to quip enemies! Insulting their pride! Hah! These are not set in stone in various costumes to wear. You can assign whichever power suits your needs. Pun intended. Aside from these ultimate abilities you can also equip three passive skills. Like detecting enemies farther away using your radar. Earning more experience points from clashing with mobs, gaining more focus, not losing combo meter and I could say extra, but I’ll refrain. Sure I had to unlock them via tokens which are earned by side-activities you can do, but hey they’re pretty wicked! Speaking of experience. You can earn it by partaking in any activity, beating up goons, completing the optional content, continuing the main story etc. There is no shortage of points to earn, level up and gain skill points to spend on three skill trees. Adding new moves, passive abilities, and heck new traversal moves too. Seriously fella has a lot of tricks up his sleeve and experience under his belt. I bet he could teach new blood on the street how to be the next Web Menace! Oh boy better not to give JJJ any more fire.

Gadgets are also a nifty way to give players an edge in combat. Sticky bombs, electric bombs, gravity suspension bombs, drones etc. All help our webslinger have an ace up his sleeve and these can be replenished freely by eliminating foes. No need to constantly equip them. You have them all at your disposal during fights. Just make sure to unlock them first and upgrade them further if you constantly use them. Helps a bunch in beating countless mobs thinking they have a chance at defeating me? Honestly, after punching thug #65 to kingdom come these guys never quit huh.

Side activities I'm a bit mixed on, but I'll praise the ones worth doing. And discuss the downsides of some of them later on. First collecting backpacks throughout your playthrough is fabulous. The webhead will reminisce about the item in question upon finding backpacks of his youth. From Sandman in a vial, Lizard, Mysterio, Vulture, Shocker and even a very stinky gym t-shirt he forgot years to collect… God the smell. Suffice it to say all of these items are worth collecting, they inform the player on our protagonist's recent history and what he was doing at the time. Next, Research stations. A project conducted by Pete’s best friend Harry Osborn is a nice change of pace from protecting the citizens through science! Huh?! How?! Well, Harry’s stations all have different objectives to do. Usually related to pollution. Benjy gathers samples from contaminated air molecules, reducing pressure on pipes, finding bacteria samples, vaccinating fish etc. All these large scale labors are a disaster waiting to happen for the future ignorant citizens and my endeavors to prevent these future problems early on. Black Cat stakeouts have you finding a black cat plushie on rooftops as Felicia(who dated The P-man) gives off flirtatious “can you catch me spider” vibes. An alluring prospect to know some hidden details from Benjamin’s past during his tenure as his alter ego. Can you imagine how he would’ve reacted to meeting Felicia back when he was fifteen years old?! Bet the kid was stuttering like no tomorrow heh. Optional missions unlock as you progress through the story and most of them are worth completing. To aid citizens who ask our friendly neighborhood spider-man for assistance. One has a random upstanding citizen impersonating his hero persona to conduct helpful deeds to people in need. Another has you storming the castle, cooperating with a college fellow pinpoint missing people. There’s sixteen in total. Some of which chain together in multiple quest chains. Feels good helping out the little guy ya know? Taskmaster challenges provide an interesting challenge for those hoping to test an arachnid’s skills. Villain of the aforementioned name gives you a set of varied objectives ranging from combat, stealth, bomb, and drone. All of which you, my unlucky orphan, must try and solve each of them within a set amount of time. Do so, and you’re in for one hell of a surprise during your quest to finish them all. Really enjoyed these set of tasks mhhm.

Before I go into my final thoughts I have to talk about my mixed feelings. Not a positive or a negative, but for the sake of transparency I'll note them down below.

Conceptually I'm fine with the idea of the MJ stealth sections, but the execution seems lacking. Since it repeats a handful of times. With the same repetitive formula of evading enemies and moving forward with some changes here and there. Like more stealth variety than having to play spy. Like going in vents, investigating clues by interviewing people, assisting Peter like misdirecting a crowd so he can evade them and find a hidden spot to change into his alter-ego safely, asking questions a reporter does, she does some investigating regarding particular topics of interest near her, but I believe this was lacking. Needs lively substance not only in writing and in the gameplay design. As a character I think the writers made her out decently well. Although I would’ve liked her presence displayed beyond phone calls to Pete and vice-versa. Outside of some cutscenes Peter shares with her, MJ’s presence isn’t given enough attention to make me say she’s fantastic. Only decently above average performance in her sections of the game. Not horrible or bad, but in the good category. She’s there when he struggles and helps him out the most when he needs it. Personally I think some more scenes with her beyond stealth like healing Peter, going on dates, flashbacks of their past, aiding May. Him supporting her. All of these instances could’ve elevated her further and by extension the protagonist. And as a result make her sections more fleshed out, instead of repeating again for yet another spy section.

Repetitive open world structure akin to Ubisoft tasks. Insomniac’s other side-activities I felt were lacking and made me weary. Clearing out districts, hideouts, warehouses and outposts. They do not offer much to extend worldbuilding and lore. Take for example: More than a dozen hideouts to clear out. With six waves of enemies coming at me. As if an army has a chance of defeating me. Lacking banter from the fighting wall-crawler or many phone calls to update him on life outside of being a protector and sure. It is turbulent with barely any balance between managing his personal, job and hero duties. But I would’ve appreciated a different quest. Give me quests in F.E.A.S.T. to help Aunt May around. While sprinkling internal monologues like how collecting backpacks were done. Indirectly help Miles while he’s at school. Imagine Miles Morales slowly becoming a real friend to the person behind the mask by helping him with needing supplies, fending off some thugs by distracting or rallying his classmates to cheer him on. Slam a wrench in the combat systems by making all his gadgets inoperable or disabling his suit powers. Transforming him to become our marvel Jason Bourne/Jackie Chan/John Wick dude in a pinch using items around the environment to wack enemies. Yes he can use throwable items, but the man can’t wield any of them preferring to knock, punch and kick enemies to KO status.

Tired of beating thugs in waves? Then go on patrol and eliminate forty-plus each of thugs, demons, [redacted] & Sa%^* crimes spread throughout each district. I had to finish more than 120 of those to clear out the streets. And this was initially a nice way for patrol and having something to do when someone calls me or I listen to a JJJ podcast, yet these seem like padding. I did complete them all certainly, but comparable to my time in Ghost of Tsushima where clearing out camps and mongols felt like a tedious activity while not rewarding me the player enough with enough incentive to complete. Like better rewards, extend the worldbuilding, lore. Drop a minor villain here and there. Drop tombstone, chameleon, spot, hydro-man etc. encounters. Even worse to think about are these crimes will only pop-up if you swing a certain distance. They’re not displayed on the map at all times. You have to idly swing waiting for crimes to happen. Honestly, give me a notification from an app to let me know about crimes happening. This could be an easy fix by reducing the filler and adding plenty more unique encounters. Make me believe New York is threatened by these villains than some schmuck or goon being told to fight the resident superguy who webs enemies up on buildings. Come on man. What am I some dude with nothing better to do than fight petty burglaries with a ridiculous spider costume? Oh wait…

Might be a controversial take, but I think the relationship Peter has with Doc, while excellent throughout, perhaps avenues were feasible in regards to their segments. Implementing organic gameplay tasks than constant spectrograph and line mini-puzzles to do. Why can’t I complete some projects using artisal science? Combine their talents together with him building parts using different puzzles than resorting to the same ones again. These become egregious as I progressed further in the main story and optional content requiring Parker to once again complete these mini-games repeatedly. Sure there is an option in the settings to excuse them, a feature I never expected but came to rely on during the endgame. Yet this doesn’t alleviate the problem altogether, rather it is more of a band-aid than a proper solution. I think more unique segments had potential to bear fruit. Its why I credit Atomic Heart a lot by providing variety in the same category to keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. Not re-using the same formula again for the sake of consistency. If anything I’m more astonished that goons resort to similar practices to conduct their nefarious deeds. And while there are several outside the norm. These ultimately were outliers. I also think some more flashbacks between the two instead of me seeking dialogue points as I perused the lab for points of interest regarding their friendship/professional relationship. Bringing a more emotional weight than ever before. Adding more show, don’t tell.

Last critique I think some more time to develop villains/characters would’ve been better. We get to know plenty of a certain N$%&*%^(E Man which has interesting developments as we progress further into the game, yet others are left to the side-street in favor of giving other villains more screen time. I get it, I really do. To focus on these important characters than other adversaries lending more focus, yet I feel this could’ve been tweaked to give us more scenes perhaps to humanize them. Granted I haven’t delved deep into the comics to know their full interactions to go beyond one note villains into the complex categories, but still an attempt is possible to make them more of a threat and memorable than being used as tools then discarded. May, Miles, Harry, MJ by extension needed a bit more time in the oven to cook. Sure they have scenes in the game, but some of them perhaps needed supplementary scenes to push their characterization further.

Before I finish, I have to talk about the DLC’s. A solid return to the main game after seeing the mid-credits and post credit scene. Called the City That Never Sleeps. Taking place after the main story is done. Three episodes. For players hungry for more web-slinging and web-menacing action. The first, The Heist deals with a Black Cat’s troubles which your resident friendly neighborhood arachnid will have no choice but to assist, the second Turf Wars, occurs after the events of the Heist. Providing a decent filler, backed by the nice development of Yuri Watanabe. And third the final dlc begins Silver Lining stars none other than Silver Sable returning, giving trouble to our main character once again. Yet good guy Spidey is up for the challenge. Each DLC occurs chronologically. So best to go in release order or else you will be confused. By the end, I believe the post game content is a good conclusion to tie everything together before we depart into Spider-Man: Miles Morales. The episodes provide new enemy types, side-content and slightly new gameplay segments for fans after the ending. Worth completing to see what Peter after the base game. Seeing him assume another role and reinvigorating his friendship with one friend are a must see after learning his relationship with one female friend. The phone calls he has with a certain student provide wonderful if not humorous conversations to witness. And the side-quests, well most of them excusing Screwball because she’s pretty cringe. Have interesting lore/worldbuilding to eat up. Man my stomach was so full devouring the paintings in episode one, and the Symkaria hideouts, mystery crime investigations in episode three.

Moving on, If there are some last notable things to say before I head out. I would say Peter’s relationship with Doc. is a breathtaking fresh take on his character and their relationship with one another. I've seen other iterations in films and tv shows and I’m quite frankly shocked by how well Insomniac incorporates theirs. I enjoyed coming back to the lab and cooperating with his employer, took my sweet time scouring new points of interest to hear and have Pete reminisce on the fond memories he shared with him to create a better world. To help those in need and despite many hurdles and setbacks. The outcome of their efforts is so beautiful. It is such a joy and pleasure to witness the super bond they share. Sure it could be improved like I said earlier, but the base foundation the dev’s have created is nothing short of extraordinary. I am greatly looking forward to the potential of what’s to come. And if he does return. Oh man we're in for one hell of a superior storyline.

Sure I did experience some mixed feelings, yet this doesn’t detract much from the sheer strengths the game envisions and strides for. I am impressed by how engrossed I was by the storyline, how satisfying it was to sling and slap, kick, punch my enemies to victory. Even quipping and insulting a core part of Parker to whittle enemies pride, taunting them is a core tactic I’ll never get tired of seeing again and again. Hell JJJ’s podcast once again putting the web- warrior down, I actually can’t help but admire the sheer guts to do so. Curbing public perception against the masked menace sure takes dedication to keep going for over eight years huh Jonah. Never gets tiring hearing some trashy entertainment while defeating countless thugs. Kinda like listening to a podcast at work ya know. Except our webspinner is listening to JJJ while multitasking eh. “Dude is a masochist” - As one Brooklyn kid says.

Overall, I think I can safely say Marvel’s Spider-Man have done the impossible by reinvigorating my superhero inner childhood I’ve sorely missed ever since the Raimi trilogy ended, ever since the Webb (I just realized we had a director with Web in his name. Nice.) films were gutted and only until the Watts and Spider-verse have kept my love for the genre going instead of resorting back to cynicism as I grew older. It is heartening witnessing such an endearing videogame calling back to what I love since my childhood. The insecurity our Webhead undergoes, the sheer struggle in managing a proper life from his alter-ego, work and personal intertwining and intersecting at times when he least expects it, the sheer weight of responsibility and power he beholds to share with others in need is both incredibly admiring and awe-inspiring. Again and again he continues to become the Hero everyone needs yet does not seek the glamor or reward. He simply does. And this entry only solidifies his excellent qualities while taking adequate time to showcase he too is flawed just as the rest of us. Making him instantly relatable and personable to nearly everyone. The Amazing Spider-Man continues to be my favorite superhero of all time and while this entry is a spectacular return to form embodying all his greatest triumphs, a careful balance emerges to display his greatest hardships too. And these two in tandem create one hell of hook to watch out for in future installments. I can only expect we will dive into marvelous troubles and epic adventures. To any Spidey fan out there, this is a title that cannot be missed. And for any newcomer, I envy you greatly with one of the best stories I’ve ever seen in Spider-Man media.


Additional Material:
Marvel Spider-Man Ending thoughts - Spoiler thoughts + DLC included.