One of the few times I actively hated a game and it's stupid cast of characters. Gameplay wise the whole thing is dull beyond belief. Xenogears was a bit of a mess, but at least it was a fun mess. This is pure torture...

Pretty, fun and will inspire you to be a better human being.

So damn rewarding and fun, it should have an anime made. Oh yeah, it's impossible to play in the highest difficulty. You need perfect reflexes. Still, a certified hood classic.


One of the best videogame dads of all time.

My brother in christ, just don't summon evil forces the next time you're doing alchemy...

Link is trapped in a Twin Peak's esque place dreamed by a giant flying whale. Super weird and super fun.

The good the bad and the ugly of the MGS franchise all rolled into one messy experience.

I finished this a bunch of times. Arcade gameplay that rewards playing hard and fast. A shame Capcom seems to have buried this franchise.

I know it's cool to hate this game and no doubt it has plenty of flaws (the story is a mess) but I enjoyed the junction system, the GF and the overall setting. I was also addicted to the card game, sue me.

It's a cute and very fun game, with very solid level design. I have yet to play the remake but the original has aged like fine wine.

A good balance between old school RE and newer mechanics.

Looks great and plays smoothly, but the level design and enemies are very repetitive. Nothing you are ever going to replay once you beat it.

It hit all the right notes for me. The only problem is those stupid out of nowhere QTE in the cutscenes. Cheap and completely pointless instant deaths.

My favorite in the franchise. Jean Reno should be a playable character in more games.