Solid if a bit unremarkable, you will beat this once and never come back.

Some really cheap deaths and final levels. Finished this on the 3DS using some save states because god damn it...

Only small time people would give this game less than five stars.

Beating up enemies with an electric guitar made out of bats is a high point in my life I keep chasing.

The definition of scripted gameplay, it was fine to rent for a weekend from Blockbuster, but nothing I would go back to.

It's the best beat em up on the NES and perfectly captures the spirit of the original, cheap enemies included.

Started hating blitzball, ended up becoming a pro and beating all other teams to the dust. Ah yes, the rest of the game is ok.

Finished this on my nes several years ago. We all know the Grim Reaper is the true final boss.

You can go for nazis and commies, so the monsters are the least of your worries.

Stanislaw Lem meets Lethal Weapon meets a lonely japanese nerd.

I still have to play the sequel, but this is one of the best in both the franchise and the genre.

Favorite Metal Gear Solid game, and with the bonus of a proper camera angle where I can actually see where the hell I'm going.

This game reminds me of a woman I was dating back when I finished this, so, it will always add an extra layer of bitter salty memories.

Release this for Steam already damn it! The PSP port was a broken mess.

Finished this with the Konami code.