Pokémon Snap was one of the first N64 games I’ve ever played. It came packed alongside Pokémon Stadium and a special Pikachu edition N64.
I have very fond memories and remember loving how expressive the models were compared to the sprites on the gameboy games.
Im glad that I could replay this game. Its really short but definitely worth your time. It is full of personality.

very unique and novel concept
bowser finally has a menacing design and its accompanied by a really cool boss theme

this game improves on all aspects of its predecessor
the result is an outstanding sequel

outstanding game
the game is really responsive and features a LOT of different souls (abilities / spells / buffs) -> great replay value

got ending A and B, finshed the game with 95% completion
great music, visuals, combat. i only got a few complaints:
exploration doesnt feel as rewarding as other metroidvanias.
i dont like it that you can only equip 3 relics (exploration abilities) at a time and you have to switch around a lot in the menu (kinda like the iron boots in ocarina of time) there is no reason not to make them toggleable like in symphony of the night. also i encountered a few bugs, like not being able to continue after dying with my controller (had to press a button on my keyboard) or sometimes my dead body that i wanted to recover ended up being unreachable.
overall tho very fun game. would definitely recommend

The game is still in early access and I might review it again once the game releases in full.

Let me preface this by saying that I like the game a LOT.

The playable characters all feel distinct and even a run with the same character can turn out very different depending on the moves you obtain throughout the run.
More characters are still being added and I’m excited to see how the final roster looks.

The gameplay is smooth and the controls are really responsive.

In terms of presentation, the game looks really stunning. Animations are crazy flashy while still being readable. Enemies have easy to read attack patterns.

It might not be connected to the BlazBlue Universe (as far as I know), though the story and characters are all unique and likable. I especially liked watching the protagonist and their navigator develop a friendship.

The game currently has three different voiceover languages at once. Playable characters talk Japanese (voice clips taken straight out of the mainline games afaik), announcements during gameplay and the tutorials have english voice over. The story is completely voiced in Chinese, which sounds really good.

Even though the game is still being actively developed, I can still recommend it.

geat and fun to play competitively
singleplayer content is kind of hit or miss

One of the most abitious games I have ever played.

This game improves upon every aspect of its prequel (FFVII Remake). Exploring every single area was delightful. I did most of the side content and everything felt meaningful and crafted with care.

I logged 120+ hours of gametime and THERE IS STILL STUFF TO DO (and i will totally replay the game in the ng+ hardmode)


played through the midi version at first and liked it so much that i bought the version with the ost a week later. really worth it, cool visuals + outstanding soundtrack