158 Reviews liked by SayenBR

quem matou o gumball?
era legalzin

Depois de exatas 60 horas eu platinei o joguinho, então mais sóbrio do que a primeira vez que terminei posso dizer, que remasterzinho porco, apesar de melhorar a experiencia em comparação a versão original, as melhorias são muito poucas e muitos bugs frustrantes continuam, po 2018 já eles já tinha muito exemplo feito não tem desculpa, então sinceramente não deve valer seus 200 mangos, uma promoção é o ideal pois ainda sim o jogo é bom.

Dito isto, o jogo em si é Dark souls 1 então é muito bom, em questão de Lore, tematica, ost, chefes, sinceramente esse jogo tem alguns problemas gritantes (alguns que são explicados por questões de produção do jogo original), areas não finalizadas, areas ruins (Blighttown é uma MERDA e Tumba dos gigantes é um LIXO) mas tirando isso você com certeza consegue aproveitar a experiencia e explorar o universo, é tão recompensador quanto aparenta e pra mim valeu muito a pena

É repetitivo e é um retrocesso em questão de exploração em comparação ao DS1, é o mais linear dos jogos da From, mesmo eu gostando dos cenários eles são totalmente desconexos, tem a lore mais fraca dos Souls e mais desinteresse do que a de Demon's, metade do jogo é fanservice mascado do DS1, e as bonfires são muito mal pensadas; outra coisa, a trilha sonora é, mas muito massificado, desde a música de menu até as OST's mais fodas, todas as OST's tentam ser muito mais épicas que as outras, que perde um pouco de peso, até certa parte, algumas parecem muito semelhantes, pelo menos 1/3 da trilha sonora é totalmente esquecível pelo menos que eu já citei, tal como o design de mundo do jogo. Eu só subi a nota por causa que a Sister Friede e o Gael são os responsáveis por umas das melhores boss fights de toda a franquia, e que apesar de merecido, eu ainda tenho várias críticas ao jogo base.

This review was written before the game released

Rain Code released, big day for unfunny terminally online trolls/Twitter ‘comedians’ who stink (‘Danganronpa bad’ is a defining personality trait for them)

Terrible gameplay terrible combat

When Unshaken by D'Angelo started playing, it all just clicked.

I was hoping returning to this would be like when I returned to God of War. Unfortunately I still find the controls and movement so janky and awkward it overtakes my enjoyment of the story and world, which are great. The voice acting isn't great and I'm not a combat person but it feels pointless and would be more enjoyable without it. I've tried and tried but it feels like a chore to play and that's not why I play games. Maybe I'll try again one day but I just haven't been able to get on board and I really wish I could because the world and story seem fantastic. Maybe I'll just read the books.

Worst of all time. Trench of the medium. Denunciation of media. Dirt standard of storytelling. Bottom of creativity. Bedrock of invention. Foot of ingenuity. Underbelly of imagination. Nadir of innovation. Worst of the worst. Failure among failures. Abyss fiction.

Apologies in advance for poor writing, as this will be my first attempt at writing a review for a favorite game of mine and this may take longer than 5 or 6 lines. With that out of the way, let's begin.
First, I'd like to say that at this time of my life, I don't have many friends, or rather I lost most of them. When I first played this game I rediscovered the joy of gaming and the feeling that I once had when I was on my first playthrough of Dark Souls. The feeling that you are alone in the world with only a handful of NPCs to guide you or be some form of comfort in your journey into the depths of the world. The feeling of getting lost and going deeper than you thought you would, and then finding a shortcut that makes your trip back easier. These were some of the things that made me fall in love with this game immediately.
Further elaborating on the point of me not having many friends, I spent two days living totally alone with no internet connection or any form of contact, and I was having difficulty sleeping at night. But this game saved me from all that; I would just spend the night exploring new areas or fighting bosses and I would be truly happy and not afraid of anything.
Walking in the City of Tears, with the calming soundtrack and the sound of rain and the footsteps of the Knight making wet noises was just comforting. Getting lost in Deepnest due to discovering it by accident and getting back up, (Minor spoiler ahead) seeing someone that looks like me and then finding out it is a terrifying boss and beating him, that feeling of triumph and getting over your fears, walking around in the verdant Greenpath, those were all the things that made me truly love this game, and I owe this game so much for being able to spend those two days.
I won't talk about the amazing level design, or the well-designed boss fights, or the 40 charms, or the final boss. You know all those things.
I don't know if it's silly to say that I have a personal relationship with this game, but that's the reality. I love this game and I spent about 45 hours trying to 100% the game.
This was truly an amazing experience and I can't wait for Silksong.
Also, I love Hornet.

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No cost too great.
No mind to think.
No will to break.
No voice to cry suffering.
Born of God and Void.
You shall seal the blinding light that plagues their dreams.
You are the Vessel.
You are the Hollow Knight.

provavelmente insuperável.

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Quem diria que a solução para a morte térmica do universo era lesbianismo poliamoroso?

um dating game só que ao invés de você torcer pro personagem não te rejeitar, você torce pra ele não morrer