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“James… you made me happy.”

This is, by a mile, the best game i’ve ever played, let alone the best horror game i’ve ever played. It is just SO fucking bleak and depressing, yet I love it, I love the atmosphere, I love the music, I love everything.

It’s a fairly difficult game, too. I find the backtracking to be fairly difficult with all of the enemies roaming around, the idea of losing a bunch of progress is a terrifying thought. The bosses are also very hard, especially the last few.

I played it on the original PS2, with an original copy from 2001, and I got the “In Water” ending, which was absolutely soul crushing, I cried, in fact, i still have tears streaming down my face while writing this.

I just can’t say enough about this masterpiece in horror media. I’ve always loved horror, hell, I was born to an episode of twin peaks, but this was something entirely new.

P.S: I also think that the conversation between Mary and James is one of the best conclusions of all time.

“Despite everything, it’s still you.”

I thought was going to be good, great even… but it wasn’t…

It was one of the greatest experiences I’ve ever had, and i’m convinced it has changed who I am as a person.

The story is fascinating, and makes me feel every emotion known to man, the humor is great, and I laughed quite a bit, the characters are memorable, and wonderfully quirky, AND THE MUSIC IS GENUINELY ONE OF THE GREATEST SOUNDTRACKS FOR ANY VIDEO GAME EVER.

I played through the pacifist route, which was a little difficult at times, but rewarded me with one of the best endings of any video game ever, it really was the beautiful cherry on top of a perfect sundae.

The ONLY problem this game has is its length, I beat it in roughly 5-6 hours, although I can definitely excuse it’s length, as it was made by one person, and also, Deltarune exists, so I’ll be getting more of this fascinating world Toby Fox has created, with (hopefully) more to come.

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I had a decent time playing it, it can definitely be pretty corny/cheesy at times, but usually in a good way.

It’s clearly low budget (you can tell by the facial animations), but it was a small group of people making the game, so I won’t hold it against them or anything.

The main issues I have with the game are the bugs, including some annoying visual ones, and some stuttering and fps drops on PS5. The main story’s length is another big one, as it’s only around 3 hours long. Although it does have some replay value, I doubt I’ll be revisiting it in the future.

I romanced Andrew, and I got the “good” ending, which was nice.

It’s a fun little murder mystery/cleaning simulator, nothing especially interesting, but it’s still a fun little mystery.

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“It’s not a loop, it’s a spiral…”

What did any of that mean? I’ve got no fucking idea.
Was it good? Absolutely, one of the greatest games i’ve ever played, in fact.

They have improved on the original Alan Wake from 2010 in almost every single way. The graphics are very impressive, especially those facial animations, the writing is fantastic, And the game mechanics feel very satisfying to use, especially the ones you use to solve puzzles.

There are very few negatives I can think of, but there are some bugs here and there, including some very annoying audio ones, and occasionally some during combat.

Speaking of combat, it’s definitely been improved, but there’s not necessarily a HUGE difference. I was playing on normal mode, and it’s definitely easier than the first game, but it can get annoying fighting in tight spaces where you can get backed into corners easily, but it’s definitely more fun than the original.

Occasionally, i’d also find my self getting lost around certain areas like Cauldron Lake, but I think that’s more of a me problem, as I’m not the best with navigation. Those are really my only negatives, nothing too big, just some areas for improvement here and there.

I cannot wait for the DLC to come out, and am excited to find out what Remedy’s plans are for this universe, as there still seems to be A LOT to still be explored.

I always thought the spiderman games were good! Nothing special, but short and (usually) fun experiences you can spend a day or two in. I also always thought that it was very limited in terms of things to do, you play the main story, and you’re done. There are a couple little quests here and there, and some very tedious collectables, but nothing special.

It wasn’t different here, that’s for sure, but what differentiated it from the other games were the fantastic adaptions of Kraven and Venom in the main story, which is admittedly quite short, but fun while it lasts, and of course, the Symbiote suit! I think it’s worth playing if you’re a fan of the other games, and don’t mind paying full price for about a solid 20 hours of gameplay.

The combat is very, very tedious, and was clearly an afterthought.

But I’d say the story makes up for it! The ending was especially interesting. It’s also partly inspired by my favorite show, and piece of media, Twin Peaks, which you can tell from the small lumber town in the pacific northwest setting. I cannot wait for Alan Wake II, and I really hope the combat is improved, since that was definitely the weakest point of the game.

I also played the DLC chapters which weren’t anything special, but they give a little more closure to the ending.


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Simon: "You know, I woke up in my bed today, it just so happens to have been 100 years ago."
Catherine: "Sounds like a riddle."
Simon: "Yeah you're right: I woke up in my bed today, a hundred years ago -- Who am I?"
Simon: "...Who am I?"

One of the most profound games i’ve ever played. Usually, when I play a game, it’ll occasionally pop back into my mind, but I REALLY thought about this one.

Walking around the desolate hallways, and coming upon a dying robot, swearing it’s human… it’s something else man, something I can’t put into a review.

"The Fallen Leaves Tell A Story."

Hours upon hours have been sunken into Elden Ring and its captivating world. This completely changed my view of modern gaming when I began to play it, which was on release. Countless characters, countless builds, and of course, countless deaths.

I’m still figuring out a top four, but I am positive this is one my favorite video games of all time, and likely one of my favorite fantasy worlds i’ve ever experienced, period. The Lands Between feels alive, and is a world begging to be explored.