As someone who has a very limited South Park knowledge, the games make me want to be a bigger fan. They don't reinvent the wheel or anything, but they are reliable, clever, and don't overstay their welcome despite being relatively long.

Slow pace, lackluster story, and completely forgettable characters. The card building works well, but I prefer when games are more simple like L4D. Seems like a ride-or-die based on solo or co-op. I just can't see myself playing this more when there are great zombie titles out there that are actually fun.

I'd check out a sequel, but only on gamepass.

Fun, but WAY too hard. Defend the bookcases and Yavin 4 are damn near impossible

The game is a great sandbox, but the time limits really take the fun out of the game. Combo weapons are cool and the gameplay is fun, but I really don't care about the story

The save system, lack of difficulty adjustment, and tank controls make those game so unplayable.

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The open combat missions are awful, the game is way too short, and it ends halfway through what feels like a natural story. Farah is kinda pushed to the side again, Alex returning is dumb, and no Alejandro feels like the wrong move. None of the villains are strong in this series and Makarov is no exception.

Also the new series playing the same beats as the original make this one kinda redundant. Makarov the big bad guy, Shepherd being bad, Soap dying in 3, etc... I wish I was more I vested, but im just not

This game rules so hard. It allows for so many different styles of play while also providing a quality story!

I'm not a Far Cry fan in general, but a friend recommended this one in particular. It's got a lot of fun, but I think speaks volumes that it's 3 hour campaign felt entirely too long (and I didn't even do any side quests).

It's fine. The weapons are pretty unbalanced especially when you character swap. The marine campaign is boring. The Alien campaign is too short. It's a cool concept, but the execution leaves a lot to be desired.

Riveting. Pretty lackluster ending and maybe a bit too long of a game.

I didn't care for the story outside of the individual cases and definitely has its issues in narrative both small and large scale.

The exorcism scene is one of the funniest things I have ever played!

It's very entertaining, but the lack of clarity in conclusions is pretty mind-boggling.

It's mildly fun, but very un-scary and an absolute F-Tier story and characters.

It's great, but with the three protagonist split, I don't know that I really connected with any of them

I'm not much a fan of the original, but this one is a generic shooter that isn't scary despite its premise and has a pretty terrible ending.