Is it trite to call a unique and expressive VN literature?
This one is rough around its edges - yet its writing is impossibly worthwhile. Very glad I sat down with it.
1000xResist will undoubtedly be mentioned often when folks start throwing around GOTYs this later this year, and it will be deserving of that praise.

The game is good, but I feel like the praise I'm seeing for is hugely disproportional to my experience with it. Maybe if I went in with lower expectations I would have felt differently?

Sebil Engineering disregards nearly every commonly understood principle for good puzzle game design.
It is that exact rejection of understood design principles that makes it so uniquely fun.

Intended solutions are often so wonky and obscure that solving them feels like breaking the game over your knee in an act of defiance.
The resulting emotional arc of each level is great - frustration gradually builds up before giving way to satisfied release as the game buckles beneath you.

A good game, a short game, a silly game, a special game.

There's a world, not far from our own, where this was titled "Resident Evil: Dead Rising".

Dead Rising does to survival with the 360 as Resident Evil did to the PS1 in so many ways.

I did not expect to enjoy this nearly as much as I did. Incredible videogame

AI art critique by way of waifu... Beautiful

So beautiful, so clever, so technically proficient, so deliciously mean... but occasionally frustrating in ways that had me just wanting to be done with it by ~3/4 of the way in.
A real "I don't think I could beat this without a guide or a buddy"-type game

Daisuke Ishiwatari soundtrack, arcade-inspired gameplay, letting me play as an anime woman with an oversized weapon... こんなに嬉しいことはない...

The level of Interactivity in here is absurd for the era. Blastin' and Elevatin' never felt so good.


Venba is well-written, and speaks to something meaningfully important, but I feel like I've already played this exact video game thirty-plus times over the past decade

doki doki meets stanley parable. not the most boundary-pushing VN I've played but it was very good!!

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They fumbled the bag in ways unimaginable

Final Fantasy VII Remake Project asks, "does Aerith Live, or Die?"

Tetsuya Nomura answers: "lol idk?? both maybe??"

I cannot remember the last time I finished something and felt so empty

Pacific Drive is the only craft-type game I've been able to chill with in the past half-decade.

Gathering resources isn't a slow and boring chore, it's an optimization problem. Blitzing through every zone as fast as possible while snagging supplies as you go feels like mapping a space in a way that's almost like an arena shooter.

The final stretch is a little wonky, and the narrative climax didn't hit for me - a very "wait, that's it? it's over?" sort of ending - but I'm glad I saw it through to the end.

If you enjoy "survival" games at all, you should absolutely take this paranormal station wagon for a spin.

Lumines Remastered slams open the original's fridge and fills it with a dozen frozen TV-dinners. Every new gamemode is enjoyable, but feels a little slight in comparison the Main Gourmet Entree: the Basic Challenge speedrun.

A true feast for the senses and the mind. "Tetris for Intellectuals" or something equally snippy

Lumines is a true masterclass in puzzle game design. Every element is so finely tuned, so excellently thought out, so clearly communicated, that it rivals even Tetris in its virtuosity.

It's not nearly as "clean" as Tetris is - but I'd rather play the quirky block game with the wacky timeline and danceable music than the old-man tetromino placer with classical compositions.

The combat has kiddie-pool depth, but the movement is excellent, and the Vibes are off-the-charts. It feels like a mid-2000s Playstation game in the best possible way. A real "beloved cult classic 7/10" sort of videogame.