The definition of mediocrity; If you want an okay game, you've found it. A passable amount of content that will bore you to death after 30 hours.


A very enjoyable experience, carries over classic 3D Fighter elements into a weird combo with what I can only describe as a "3rd Person Shooter". Very enjoyable by oneself or with friends.

Phenomenal game, both story-wise, in terms of art direction, and all your available choices like usual Telltale games. Would recommend at full price.

Game is a 3 but this is a very nice Special Edition; I don't regret buying this version at launch.

Okay game; loses a lot of charm that both regular Warriors games and Fire Emblem has at the cost of trying to reach a larger audience.

Solid entry to the FE series, lots of variety in maps and units, a shit-ton of customization and an awesome hub in the monastery. Story is a bit messy, though. Could've been executed a lot better if there were only two paths.

The definition of great game, awful community.

Phenomenal game, my favorite RPG on Switch, and one of my favorite Mario games in general. Very enjoyable gameplay that mixes it up from the other tactical RPG's, while also staying true to the formula. Ubisoft nailed it, they made a wacky crossover and struck gold with it.

One of the better Mario Kart games gets an even better port.

The modern, better version of a true classic.

One of my all time favorites. The amount of sheer variety, replayability, immersing and interesting characters and pure polish in this game is immeasurable. Say what you want about ActiBlizz as a company, but Overwatch is, and always will be my favorite shooter.

Pretty cool game, wish it was just the 2D Fighter phase though, the swapping from 2D to 3D is just plain goofy.

The greatest 2D platformer of all time.