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For an RPG as experimental and out there as this, this game is kind of incredible. I'll get my problems out of the way first: This game has zero difficulty at all, if you know what moves will deal good damage then you're probably gonna be fine. There isn't anything like MP in this game, so you're free to use your strong moves at will. There's no enemy quality whatsoever until the very last minute, and even then you can usually beat those enemies too really easily. It's a shame, because I do like the idea of the combat system here, relying on positioning and moving more than a typical RPG. Also Distant Future SUUUUUUCKS you just walk back and forth on the ship and are basically just doing busywork. There's some times in the game where there's not much direction, but I forgive it because it's generally few and far between, and you just need to check everything. The voice acting is a mixed bag, but the main characters are all good, which is also great because for many of them this is a first or early role. The positives of the game are many though, I love the stories and how they all end up coming together. The general vibe of the game is immaculate. There's things that are hard to describe why or how I enjoyed so much, but I know I did. I hear the original version of this lacked a lot of things like the ATB bar or weaknesses shown, but I think the game is honestly easy enough that you might not need it anyways. I love the HD 2D style and I think this game does it pretty well, though I've also seen that they've redone a lot of the character sprites as well which was probably necessary, I saw a few of them from the original and they looked a bit rough around the edges. Redone music is also great, some standouts were the Present Day and Near Future battle themes. Not to mention Megalomania, which is better than what Toby Fox ended up making after stealing the title... I think it's strange to recommend this game, there are definitely some drawbacks that some people may not mind, like the game being so easy, and with how different each portion of the game is sometimes. I recommend it anyways, even if you're totally blind. It's very, very good.

Odio is not a very threatening name no matter what the name actually means, sorry.

I don't know if this series is for me. I trucked through Battle Network 1 because I heard that the series had a rough start, and the battles in it were decently fun. I don't know about this though. Most of the bosses have felt kind of awful. I might pick this up and finish it later but I'm so tired of the walking back and forth for story progression. Got to MagnetMan.exe's scenario but I feel like I'm forcing myself to play further.

Has 3 quite good cases and 2 absolute slogs of cases that are hardly entertaining in the slightest. Case 3 and 5 are the ones I refer to. I never want to see the Blue Badger ever again, and the big final villain is such a damp squib that gets shown up by the reveal directly before him, it's quite sad. And of course, both of those cases are quite important to the game's more central ideas and overall plot. Attempting to prosecute someone above the law or using it for unjust means has grounds for a cool plot for a prosecutor, and it's kind of squandered. Ironically all 3 of the cases I enjoyed far more were ones where that theme was not quite as present. Kay and Lang are both quite weak characters, neither appear until the third case which is hardly a good introduction. You only use Little Thief three times in the entire game, which would be really cool! You get to point out discrepancies in statements with accompanying visuals, and then 1/3 times it's used, it's a cop out to get you into the haunted mansion that just got closed off, so it may as well only be twice. Logic is also kind of an undercooked mechanic, but it's also kind of funny that messing it up damages you still. Edgeworth just goes "ah I must look like an idiot for thinking the wrong things" and not even saying anything aloud. I wish there was some kind of mechanic that would allow Edgeworth to do something different during testimony to separate himself from the lawyers you play as in all the other games. I hear Investigations 2 is a better package than 1, so I'll try that out shortly.