The finest game trilogy I've ever played. Everything culminates so perfectly by the end and its fantastic characters and gameplay elements never get old. And Miles Edgeworth is the best ;)

What The Legend of Zelda always deserved: a breathtaking open-world experience filled to the brim with mystique and whimsy. A grand adventure and defining game of our generation.

On its own it's a great ARPG with memorable characters, excellent worldbuilding, and legendary soundtrack. But its unique mode of storytelling elevated this game to another plane and has left me pondering it since completion

Kirby always leaves a smile on my face, and Super Star Ultra represents this series at its finest with an abundance of small adventures that coalesce in one great package.

Few games have a character duo whose relationship and interactions carry the game on its shoulders, but Joel and Ellie are iconic for all the right reasons. With great attention to detail in this post-apocalyptic world, all of its moments hit hard and leave and impact.

Besides its standing as one of the best remakes ever, The Wind Waker is grand in ambition and gorgeous in presentation. Even with Breath of the Wild, this stands toe-to-toe as an essential Zelda game.

Pokémon Platinum improves upon its predecessors with feature-rich updates and optimizations that make it the ultimate experience. Not to mention it has one of the most well-realized settings of a Pokémon, complete with the bell and whistles putting it above the rest of its contemporaries


One of the most addictive gameplay loops and some of the most endearing character writing comes together in a great package. With 70+ hours invested, Hades kept me coming back for more and more, and I never got bored.

Super Mario Galaxy 2 refines the formula of the original so beautifully with even stronger level design that it's unbelievable to imagine how it followed up a game that was so innovative... and arguably exceeded it.

This is the perfect Super Smash Bros. game. Whether i jump into a casual battle or duke it out with friends, this game is a constant, joyous presence that will stick with me for years to come. If this is the peak of the franchise, consider me a happy man.

A nostalgic experience in its own right, Persona 4 Golden captures the charm of of high school life and capitalizes on it with great social simulation elements. Once you reach out to the truth, you'll understand the masterpiece that is P4G.

With the lackluster graphics addressed from the Wii/3DS, there is no excuse to sleep on Xenoblade Chronicles. It has one of the grandest stories in modern JRPGs with its expansive scope and grand narrative. An instant classic that belongs in gaming's hall of fame.

The only redeemable part of this game is Columbia itself. Otherwise this game is a clunky, narrative mess that fumbles from the start to finish. It treads into strange territories for a series like Bioshock, and I'm not even referring to how it halfheartedly portrays racial/social divisions. To go from a masterpiece like Bioshock to Bioshock Infinite within weeks of each other was one of the most jarring experiences ever.

Up top, the game looks stunning and the user interface is seamless. Making a game with as many choices as it does with hundreds of possibilities is no small feat.

It's a shame that it's associated with Detroit: Become Human. A soulless rendition of Detroit, it has one of the most infuriating stories about androids gaining consciousness ever, what not with some horrible writing choices that drag the entire experience down. I'm glad I got a used copy because I returned this garbage ASAP.

Remember when Epic Mickey was supposed to be somber? In exchange for a potentially rich story that explores the forgotten history of Disney's past, we get shlock with horrendous voice acting and terrible game design that basically requires you to play co-op if you don't want to start pulling your hair out every time Oswald's AI does something stupid.