An awesome game, right up with Half Life 2.

A nice addition and, in my opinion, better than the original in a lot of ways.

Much better than the first game, although several game design decisions annoy me greatly. The music is as glorious as ever, if immensely grating at times.

I have a slight fondness for semi-realistic FPSes such as this, and this one is quite a fun one.

Honestly I had a lot of fun with this one and thought it had a lot of potential. Considering pretty much nothing has been done with it in a while, though, it's safe to say this game is dead.

A beautiful game in every way. Instantly memorable for me. One of the best I've ever played.

Very fun game. Can't get enough of it.

Honestly a much better version of Left 4 Dead 1

One of the best games I've ever played.

An excellent horror game similar to that of LIMBO and Inside.

A weird, slightly obscure game based around anthro bunnies punching and kicking things. Its combat is very unique, but its clearly a demo. Overgrowth is its sequel, but given how that game is, you might as well just play Lugaru since it's free.

An awesome game, full of scares and a sweet story.

Pretty much just Chivalry but with magic.

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A strange, short, sweet video game. Its main gimmick largely revolves around it secretly being a survey. Can literally complete it in 15 minutes.

Don't ask how I know about this game.