Arguably the most consistently good Ratchet & Clank game if that makes sense. As an action game its sequels surpassed it but i don’t think any of them entirely meet with R&C1 achieving its goals as an action-platformer. The level design’s largely great, the weapons across your arsenal have utility so (with a few exceptions) it feels like they always serve a purpose instead of being outclassed by the next time buy or come across one
Writing-wise there’s not much to write home about here imo, the immediate sequels are both funnier and snappier - Though looking back Ratchet as a character feels very inconsistent here, I appreciate what Insomniac was going for here but it’s no wonder how people found him so unlikeable back in the day when the game speedruns his development regarding his relationship with Clank so fast it feels like he’s flip-flopping off screen lol.
Chairma-Sorry, I mean Ultimate Supreme Executive Chairman Drek is probably my favorite villain in the series though, on account of him being an extremely opaque “I know writers who use subtext, & they’re all cowards”-tier implementation of the corporate/consumerist satire that would continue throughout the later games in the series, he hits a good line between being a little silly and coming across as a huge, despicable threat that really pays off as when you wipe the floor with him at the end of the game.
Really interesting how much this game feels like the culmination of Insomniac’s work on Spyro the Dragon, they’re still very different games ofc but you can feels bits and pieces of what would end up as part of Ratchet’s core design DNA forming across Spyro 1 and especially its sequels

Probably the weakest mainline Ratchet & Clank game that i’ve played honestly, your arsenal is a step down from past games and there’s just a lot about the gameplay in general that doesn’t work for me - the early 7th gen jank curse is real. Really uneven difficulty spikes later on too iirc
It’s also where the series becomes pixarified tonally which i don’t care for and it’s at its worst here with a plot that’s just very, very bland and a comic relief character disguised as a main antagonist (granted, past R&C villains were silly too…but they still felt like actual threats you really wanted to take down)
Remember when we had way more cutscenes where R&C talked to side characters, fully animated, voiced and all? this game is where the series started having out of place, very stiff & one-sided semi RPG style choose-your-questions conversations and it’s just strange and boring imo

Angry Dad Simulator: 2012 Edition
Jokes aside, it’s pretty good within the lens of being an impressive, interactive anime. as a game the core gameplay is… extremely weak but i think there’s a lot of good there in terms of how it interfaces with the medium, i’d argue its combined strengths and weaknesses make it a better game than it would be a broadcasted anime
Beyond that there’s so much to love here too, the artstyle that mixes together hinduism and buddhist mythologies with a high tech twist is beyond sick imo, especially when you realize how Asura and the other demigods are essentially cyborgs with mechanical innards, bodies that audibly creak when under extreme pressure etc.
Shame about the ending being paid DLC, but tbf it absolutely is worth the price of admission - I don’t know if I would recommend the game without Part IV tbh
One thing that’s kind of interesting to look back on is how Asura’s Wrath is very much a take on the hot blooded man-literally-too-angry-to-die power sim games that were (somewhat) all the rage at the time. It’s not entirely like something such as classic God of War, both in terms of themes or gameplay but it definitely exists within the same vein… that said, it always felt like this game came out just in time for that fad to start fading away, QTEs became dramatically less omnipresent too iirc

A worthy, direct successor to og DOOM and DOOM 2 with generally better level design than the latter. Really like how it goes all in on having grimier visuals and a more horror focused atmosphere while sticking very closely to its roots.
Nightdive’s The Lost Levels is also pretty good not gonna lie, not much to say there though, it’s more DOOM 64 which is always welcome and as far as i’m concerned it doesn’t feel out of place relative to the original levels

Really good platformer that emotionally punches you in the gut, burns your house down etc. etc. by the end

Just a really good, fun time. Very funny, off-beat game though (in typical point n’ click adventure fashion) puzzle solving and progression can be pretty obtuse sometimes.
You fight like a dairy farmer!

i swear this was so good when i was little

The writing and vibes rule and uplift the whole game but man I… really don’t care for the gameplay here. There’s just so, so much combat and none of it’s good imo.
I played on normal mode (which was apparently labeled hard in the original 360 version??) and honestly i feel like most people would have a better time just playing on easy for their first time unless they really gel with the combat

Kind of a master class game imo. there’s some stuff I prefer about MP1 but for the most part this is a big step up and a great sequel. Can’t recommend it enough.
Rest in Peace, James McCaffrey.

A stunning & stylish albeit occasionally frustrating TPS. Just very, very cool imo. I love how Remedy just had their staff, friends & family provide their likeness for the characters, gives the whole thing a sort of homemade quality to it so to speak.
I played it on Xbox via One/Series backwards compatibility, but honestly… it controls pretty roughly on a controller. I’d recommend playing on PC it should def be a better time there even if it needs some prep work to get up and running these days.

Honestly after years of hearing this was mid I thought it was pretty good? Been awhile since I last played but I’d put it up there with KH1 or something. it’s not the series best but it’s far from its worst

It’s not bad but I really don’t care for it tbh, the writing just doesn’t hit the way NMH1’s did and i feel like it generally plays… worse, somehow, despite it having genuine improvements? idk. Gameplay is neither game’s strong suit ofc but unless you consider the banger soundtrack to be one this doesn’t have a strong suit to begin with lol

Our beloved monsters - enjoy yourselves.
Arguably the peak of Metal Gear as a story, there isn’t much to say there that hasn’t been said by countless others much better than I ever could, but yeah. Fantastic writing.
Gameplay-wise idk, it plays better than MGS1 in basically every way imo but i think the level design doesn’t really hit as much as i would’ve liked, in that regard i think it also really runs out of steam after a certain boss fight later on.
anyways y’all are weak if you don’t like raiden

What a game. Coming back to it there’s elements of it that don’t entirely hold up gameplay-wise but when it works it works really well, and ofc the presentation and writing is a big step up from metal gear 2 (considering that it’s all in-game the cutscenework is so good for its time like omg)
Now when it comes to it being a sequel to MG2, it’s… pretty interesting how much this feels like a stealth remake of that game, lots of similarities and outright reused scenarios here. In some ways it’s cool (especially given how MGS2 ultimately weaves that approach into its story) and in others it feels a little been here, done that.

The true Metal Gear starts here.
Metal Gear 1 had the basics down ofc but this is where things really take off, the narrative becomes more complex while leaning on the political trappings the series is known for, the gameplay is better (it’s very much 2D MGS1, just less refined) and so on and so on
The worst i can say about is it can have some really obtuse puzzles & progression, lots of difficulty spikes too iirc