Vasat bir oyundan ileriye gidememiş 😣😣😥😥😥😐😐😫😫

My love for the Imperium is matched only by my hatred for the heretic

Survivor ve item modları ile oyun daha da otistik oluyor

Gachadan kazandıkları paradan biraz daha verselermiş süper oyun olurmuş ama bu hali ile de gayet güzel

Deep in the mountains, secret ninja academies trains our future protectors.
Ancient scrolls told of three, who would be chosen above the others.
Three who will become...
Power Rangers Go
Ninja Storm!
Let's Go!
The call is on!
Their force is getting strong!
They'll have to brave the weather!
Ninja Storm! stand together!
The storm will grow!
Waters flow!
Power Ranger Ninjas Go!
Power Rangers Ninja Storm is growing (growing)
is growing (growing)
Power Rangers Go
Ninja Storm!
Let's Go!
With the speed of the wind!
And strength like thunder!
Power Rangers Go
Ninja Storm!
Let's Go!

An otherworld awaits me in my dreams HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHH

Cool game and very fun to play

İt's a Crows game, that's why ı gave it 5 out of 5.

Herkese önerimdir dünya üzerinde bundan başka iyi dovüş oyunu yapılmamıştır belki dong dong never die yaklaşmış olabilir ama kainat üzerinde bundan iyi dövüş oyunu yok


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