you know what fuck it yes i AM a manchild what about it

Say whatever you want about Sonic 06 but at least it's funny to make fun of that game.

Those who liked the game back then are the ones having sex now I don't make the rules

there was doodoo feces everywhere and it stunk so bad

I got more things to say about Royal but if there is one thing I prefer from vanilla it's the vibe of the artstyle, the emphasis on only red black and white is way more appealing than the color splash thingy going on in P5R imo.

That was my shit back when I thought Mario and Sonic were fucked up brothers

I probably would be having hot sex with my hypothetical hot wife if I didn't ask my mom to buy me this game when I was like 7.

I wanna beat up middle school me for buying this shit and having this recorded on my steam page for the rest of my life

Played it a ton when it came out back in middle school, but this is probably the only Smash game that almost no one will ever come back to (at least not me).

It doesn't have the novelty and charm of 64, the fast gameplay and technicality of Melee, nowhere near the amount of casual fun and singleplayer content Brawl, and Ultimate is miles more fun in all areas on top of basically being what this game should have been in the first place.

Like bruh what do you have to go back to with this, smash tour ?

It's not even that horrible of a game aside from the shit balancing that happened with the last few patches, but it's so mediocre. Like everything just feels unmemorable somehow: the intro and main theme that are so memorable in other entries are just plain forgettable here, the game doesn't have a particularly appealing style or anything...

The gameplay is better than Brawl (not a high bar) but is so uninteresting to watch nowadays that I wonder how I could handle it at the time.

I don't even HATE the game, it still has a lot of content that I enjoyed as a kid and I still hold it near to my heart for the many memories it gave me and my friends, but I can't see anyone ever coming back to it for more than 5 or 10 minutes before pullin out Melee or Ultimate instead honestly.

Outside of all the shitshow happening at Blizzard (fuck them), I can say I had a blast from 2016 to 2017 when it came out.

played it recently and how the fuck do you suck the soul out of a game that much bruh how

My favorite 3D Mario game because I'm a big ass idiot.

A dumb persona spin off with actual content in it !