very pretty and more fun to actually play and swing around in than the previous one, but god bless their souls insomniac's writing team is so millenial white liberal IFUCKINGLOVESCIENCE nothing-meaningful-to-say it's actually fucking hilarious

The open world was super overwhelming to me at first, and I still think the game's structure, specifically the side content, makes literally no sense with the "muhuhaha you will die by tonight batman, tick tick it's almost time, you will die soon lil bro, maybe find a cure if you can trololol" plot, but I really liked this!

Like, I think the overwhelming feeling was intentional, since Arkham City's one massive fucked up prison, but its pretty weird that we've got him trying to track down Deadshot on a side quest while he's a few hours away from fucking dying, especially when the story keeps pointing out how little time he has left. Makes for really weird pacing, which is funny when that's one of the things Asylum nailed.

I'm okay with that though because the actual gameplay is really solid. Gliding as Batman across the city is EXTREMELY satisfying, especially after you've gotten the grapple boost upgrade, and the stealth/combat is still fun like it was in Asylum. I found the bosses interesting here too (Mr. Freeze's was neat especially). Catwoman's traversal is awful though, and that final mission with her was really annoying.. I find it really funny how the game presents a choice with her, and upon choosing the wrong one the game just rolls the credits. I thought that was neat lol

Everyone who adores this game always points out how good the story is, and while I think the ending is really well done (love that thing with the credits), everything preceding the final hour or so of story was just alright? The story is great in the sense that it finds a good way to weave in as many batman villains as possible without it feeling too game-y, but besides that it's just an alright go-here, find-this-villain, go-there, find-this-villain, though I do question opening the game with the big "HUGO KNOWS WHO BRUCE IS" when literally nothing happens with it. I did like the Talia and Ras part but they feel out of place for whatever reason, just comes out of nowhere I guess? There's this air of stuff being a little contrived, but that's like a really stupid nitpick to make honestly considering this is both a superhero story and a videogame. Also, I have no idea how (un)popular this opinion is, but Arkham Batman/Bruce is pretty meh to me. I understand that he's stoic, and you do see little bits of emotion (he's sarcastic with Oracle sometimes), but he's about as interesting as a plank of wood, and it also sucks that the game's lead people to think Batman's always a dick and smashes random robbers' ribcages on the daily.

As a complete experience, it was pretty good, and ended right as I was starting to get tired of it. I can see why it was so beloved; way bigger scale and more grandiose than Asylum, would've blown 8 year old me's mind. I'll admit the Batman fanboy in me gave an extra half star just because you could play as Nightwing and Robin in the challenge maps (TIM HAS THE RED ROBIN SUIT AAAAAAA) (they have their own animations and gadgets!!)

Speaking of gadgets, I can't help but think of how much better this game handles them and breaking up the flow of the superhero gameplay than Insomniac did with Spider-Man (2018).

neat game !

i remember finding this really witty and funny when i was 12. it had some really good music too. i sure am glad no one made a god awful remake that took out literally every single thing good about this!

i feel like tearing up whenever i listen to the garden's theme. this was the first videogame i ever played on the first console i ever owned man. i miss you sackboy <3

i'm so glad the most-liked reviews on this site tear into just how fucking bland and generic the game's entire structure and core is. for all it's talk about being faithful or like a kurosawa film, it's so.. cookie cutter AAA ubisoft. i mean the kurosawa mode itself just being a black and white filter, some grain, and shitty audio is so fucking funny to me. it sucks because when this game was first announced, i really was expecting this like REALLY realistic samurai simulator, where a lot of it was mundane and fights would end with two strikes at max and.. man that would've been a sick PS2 game. it's really funny how weirdly racist this game feels with all the talk about killing the mongols (ik ik they're the invaders here), but the central theme of the game being "ermm bushido sucks amirite" is so fucking stupid and overdone and god can we fucking retire that imperial era propaganda already holy shit. mishima didn't literally kill himself for it for y'all to keep using it (ok, he would want us to, but shush)

so wait why does this get 3.5 stars if i think its so mediocre? two things: Ilan Eshkeri & Shigeru Umebayashi's INCREDIBLE score that still tugs at my heartstrings (the latter is forever goated to me for composing Yumeji's Theme; featured in Wong Kar-Wai's In The Mood For Love), and the photo-mode. yes. no, seriously. if you saw the photos i took from this game, the sheer insane shots i got out of it, the roleplaying and story ideas i could act out with this stupid fucking but beautiful looking game, you'd get it. it's GORGEOUS, and it's so, so "alright" as like an actual game, but as like a pretty environment with a SHIT TON of sliders and effects and filters and options to take shots of a samurai, or a broken husk of a man turned killing machine, or of a shirtless dude with a straw container covering his head, this is literally the best fucking game to ever exist.

oh also i can't lie i did fuck with the ending kinda got me a little choked up idk

this is going to the be the oddest fucking comparison you'll hear between this and DS1 ever... but, my feelings on this compared to DS1 are like my feelings on Tyler, the creator's IGOR vs Call Me If You Get Lost. i think the former is a much more focused and cohesive work of art that i adore and like to think about a lot (DS1), while CMIYGL has a LOT more and feels a bit less like that lightning shot that worked so well, meaning theres a lot of stuff im like "its alright" on, but like the sheer amount of stuff i REALLY like means that it actually possibly maybe edges out IGOR for which album i like the most (therefore DS2 > DS1 maybe).

I grew up playing this, and it introduced me to one of my favorite franchises ever <3

i definitely want to play the original soon, because the visual design and feel of that seems like it's far more cohesive with what the game's trying to be, but god i adore this.

i loved the cast, i loved the music, and i loved how many times i'd stay up smiling at my vita screen seeing everyone be silly dumbasses together having fun. this was my first persona game, so it'll forever occupy a very special part of my heart <3333333

i loved this a lot as a kid; it's why blaziken is my favorite pokemon!!

It's so funny how I'm giving this "just" three stars when I've spent hundreds of hours just aimlessly swinging around the city while moody and depressed at midnight as a 15 year old. i didnt want to talk to anyone nor have anyone, but i had this game (along with my spotify playlist) to pass the time at least. i'm forever grateful to it for that.

if only the actual game itself was more than just "neat" ! it's definitely not bad by any means, there's an aggressively alright plot, the combat is fun but nothing groundbreaking (even at the hardest difficulty its piss-easy), and i think the music was neat at times even if i can only really remember three tracks out of its generic triumphant superhero orchestra. the standout thing for me was, funnily enough, the photo mode. It's really well-done, and due to being able to enter it during combat and swinging, you have a lot of dynamic photo opportunities. with the filters sliders and the options and all that, there's a bazilliooon really cool/pretty/interesting images I've snapped (which definitely resulted in me having a vague interest in photography as a hobby lol). the best part of the game is definitely the Peter-Otto relationship, and the ending is like legitimately really fucking good, both in delivering cinematic spectacle, and for a bittersweet painful ending that puts Peter through a legitimately painful decision. I'd say the game's a good experience altogether and i'd definitely recommend it to anyone looking for something new to try out on their playstation.

all that being said, my grievances with the game are mostly narrative and world related. i just cannot fuck with Insomniac's Peter Parker/Spider-Man. this might be stupid, i know, but i've been the most obsessive Spider-Man nerd i know since i was like 5 years old, and god it bothers me just how "perfect" and squeaky clean this peter is compared to the peter i know and love (616). he's this absolute boy scout! yeah, i know i know, he probably mellowed out in the 8 years he's been Spider-Man, but god there's no real character tension or drama or anything because all the characters in these fucking games are so polite and nice to each other (unless you count that insanely generic subplot with MJ wanting to be taken seriously and Peter being overly protective).

There's zero bite or roughness to Spidey because it's all been sanded off. I've noticed this exact same thing with Ratchet and Clank (2016), where Insomniac re-imagined a character literally known for snark and turned them into this innocent kind silly goody two-shoes. It fucking bothers me, and I swear in this case it was inspired heavily by Dan Slott's take on Spider-Man, who writes him as this XD LMAOOO LAUGH AT THE SILLYYY manchild (unfortunately this characterization of him dominated the comics for almost two decades, and severely fucked with the perception of the character.)

i also legitimately do not get the point of him "having been Spider-Man for 8 years" when the game and its sequel never really adapts a story that requires Peter being a grown adult. it was done to show a "Spider-Man at his peak", but you don't.. really get that feeling? like sure he has some bullshit overly fancy tech gadgets that, realistically, make no sense for his economic position or the kind of superhero he is and shouldn't be thought about too hard, but besides that he's just as mature as a 16 year old Spider-Man would've been. he hasn't faced off against the Green Goblin or Doctor Octopus or Venom or Kraven or Carnage or Sin-Eater or a ton of other villains yet. again, i'm probably just nitpicking, but when the selling point of the game was an older, more mature Peter/Spider-Man, it's pretty disappointing that it practically resulted in quite literally nothing new or unique in this adaption.

i alluded to it but earlier, it's not just Peter. I also despise Insomniac's handling of MJ. In the comics, she was the confident, bombshell agency-wielding badass who, while still being a civilian, was probably the most important character to Peter. She had her own interests (modelling, being an actress) separate from Peter, and yet her backstory and abusive family meant that, like Peter, she'd put on this bright carefree mask for the outside world, hiding her dramatic inner feelings. She was the only person who fully understood him. I would argue that Spider-Man isn't complete without Mary Jane, and vice versa. Insomniac's game takes literally none of this into account and just inserts a Lois Lane ripoff into this story but with red hair. She needs to be more relevant to the plot, so we turn her into an investigative reporter who sneaks into enemy bases! and we need conflict, so we do the same old story of the hero and the love interest butting heads over how dangerous his mission is and how involved she can be. its executed fine, it works, but its boring and by the numbers, and that's largely how i feel about everything about the game. it works! it's fine! it's not very memorable or unique though!

i actually did like Aunt May in this game, just wish she had more to do. Miles and Ganke were alright, even if it is a bit annoying how everyone's a tech genius lol. I thought Sable's presence was surprising but I appreciated it. Martin Li is an upgrade from the godawful character he was in the comics, but i still wish he had more focus or presence in the story. idk, i feel like the game doesn't really do enough with all the characters and relationships with each other. You had a good thing going with May working for Li, not knowing he's evil, and you could've explored that more! wtf is Norman even doing in these games he's not giving Goblin at all! idk i think the main appeal of Spider-Man is the interpersonal relationship conflicts and drama, the soap opera nature of his stories, and i understand that isn't something that's easy to capture in a game, but when you have all these fancy mocap-ed models with individual pores showing and this humongous AAA budget, i think delving deeper in that direction would've been pretty neat and interesting?

the open world itself is pretty, and it's a great environment to swing through, but you can't really interact with it much. there's this odd disconnect i feel, probably due to how good the graphics have gotten, between "swinging mode" and "fighting mode". it feels like the world's just a cardboard backdrop, even though there's civilians and cars, and i mean i guess that's fine, but the wallclimbing in this game fucking sucks (how is it a downgrade from Beenox's TASM games?) and the "parkour" is pretty useless and just a few glorified animations, and so you sort of feel separate from it all. i'm reminded of how much better it was in the Assassin's Creed games and Infamous 1 and 2. in those games, the way you interacted with the world was the same, both for combat and for traversal, and so you didn't feel the weird disconnect between your character and the world they exist in

there's also the whole NYPD sucking-off this game adores, and the dumb "spider-cop!" running joke. i won't get much into it because everyone has already, and Insomniac's pivoted away from it for the sequels, but i think it's actually hilarious how that even made it into the game, when an iconic component of most classic Spider-Man stories was his frosty relationship with the police. i think it just speaks to how little this game really understands or adapts the character, beyond surface level designs and names (speaking of which, holy fuck insomniac has some awful over-designed tech-ed up designs fetish).

it's not a videogame for "Spider-Man", it's a videogame for the general public's sanded down, fandomified idea of "Spider-Man"

it was pretty fun playing this and screaming every time sonic was about to die of oxygen loss

This cleared the original Ratchet and Clank tbh

The best thing about this game is the combat and how Cole and his enemies exist in the environment around them (as opposed to how it is in Spider-Man PS4 or Uncharted or something). Everything else ranges from great (the cutscene art) to okay (like most of it). It's got a neat atmosphere too, even if its quite grey