The game felt very simplistic compared to KQ5 and KQ6. Also, the more animated style just didn't do it for me at all.

It was fun for like an hour or so...and then it kept going.

I don't think anyone was looking forward to this spiritual successor of OMF:2097 other than me. Thankfully, this means only one person was actually disappointed by this game upon buying it and playing it.

The saddest part about this game is that it had a lot of potential but never really got enough of an audience to have an opportunity to be an interesting/good game. Multiplayer was essentially a sparse experience altogether. The objectives were not always logical in some levels, which certainly didn't help it.

This could have been a wonderful predecessor to Dead By Daylight, albeit with unique monsters and not horror movie villains.

An obtuse game in the vein of Myst and the like back in the day, but with some very interesting elements to the "labyrinth" aspect of the game. The game was okay for me overall, but really just writing this to note that there should be a PC-DOS version for "Platforms", as I definitely played this on Windows 95 back then.

Really great dungeon crawler. Shining the Holy Ark doesn't quite reach the awesomeness for me, despite having so much more going for it. This game is one hell of a grind, but I didn't mind it at all. Definitely not for everyone.

Average Game of the Year for 2006, with nothing particularly outstanding about it but also nothing particularly bad about it beyond being a little too easy.

Still haven't played Zero Time Dilemma yet, but this duo was great to experience.


If you can find this somewhere to play for free, you should go do it. Don't read anything about it, just go play it. It's maybe ten minutes long if you're taking your time and by the time it's over, you'll want to play it again. You'll understand.

Played the NES version -- it was one of the first four Nintendo games I ever got for the system as a kid. Definitely a terrible game (the fact that falling more than a physical half-inch on the screen counted as a death was bad enough on its own), but I did manage to get through the entire thing when I was a teenager. Never again.

Hands-down, my favorite Ys game. Also, great soundtrack that I think none of the other Ys games ever manage to reach in quality.

I enjoyed this when I played it, but have to classify it as abandoned -- one of the levels near the end of the game in the GameCube version had a bug where upon dying, I would spawn and immediately fall through the platform to my death again...and again...and again. After losing all my lives I had stocked up, I will ill-motivated to give it another go.

At least it was fun up to that point.

The game that managed to lift the best pieces of every kind of game unapologetically in one go and still be a solid game instead of a chimeric mess of ideas that failed to execute.

My personal favorite of the Mario Kart franchise.

Definitely my favorite in the Persona franchise, and it's not even close.