Just didn't vibe with this one at all. I guess the setting is cool, but playing it feels like rolling a rock upphill covered in soap.

Played this a lot when I first got it. Since there isn't a lot of depth to the gameplay it got very stale the longer it went on. By far the best part was the characters. Their designs were pretty much all great. And all the different stories they all had were nice to explore.

Interesting at the start. Sadly got more and more boring as it kept going.

This game is really fun. Of the few rouge-lites I've played this one is easily one of the best. I didn't reach the end or was anywhere near, but I reached a point where I realized that this game is like time traveling. I could sit down for several hours that felt like minutes, and I just felt that this game easily could take away all of my time without me feeling it. Therefore I decicded to call it quits before it got the chance to possibly ruin my life. Super fun game!

A new favourite! It was ridiculous and weird and wonderful. Gameplay: Combat was fun but not too advanced which isn't a bad thing, it works and is engaging enough.
Minigames: Fun for the most part for the ones I played (cabaret club ftw). Some I never touched and might try out at a later date.
Substories: Actually super engaging. Even if the messages were pretty simple they had some meaning. Never stop believing in yourself, never give up. That's what most of them came down to.
Main story: Holy shit. This was so fucking good. What starts of as a simple and slow crime story, once it gets rolling, turns into a streamroller of emotions being expressed through shirtless men fighting for what they believe so hard in. Shirtless. On the pavement, in the sewers, on a boat. Both Kiryu and Majimas stories were awesome. And I can't decide which side I prefer more, though I feel Majima had more of and arc through the game. Now I understand the communities love for Majima. This being my first Yakuza game both characters were new so it was my first impression of them.
Overall one of the best games I've ever experienced. Looking forward to diving into the rest of the series!

Very cool to walk around in what seems pretty true to real life Tokyo. Sadly the gameplay got repetetive FAST. It's similar to many other open world games; collect things on the map, unlock more of the map with some beacon thingy, etc. Some of the side quests were actually really interesting and mysterious.

Pretty good game. The puzzles were very creative and made me feel both smart and stupid a couple of times. The artstyle was interesting at first but got boring to look at as I progressed through the game for some reason.

Presentation was super cool. Story, music and visuals definitly was what carried this game, hard. Scenery was beatiful and really did a good of showing the Swedish woods and more rural locations. The models for the main character are pretty shit though. The creature design was very good, which I think is more important anyway. Sadly the gameplay dragged the game down quite a lot. Felt very clunky to control and the bossfight mechanics were not exciting. The game definitly prioritized presentation before gameplay. Many parts with trial and error, which in of itself isnt't necessary a bad thing, but when the movement feels like walking through mud it gets old pretty fast. Thankfully there is a sprint button, so you can go 1% faster. Of all the Limbo, Little Nightmares-like, this one definitly belong among the better half.

This game is really awesome! Was afraid the hype would make me expect too much of it but happily the hype is deserved. If you like visual novels then this is definitly a must-play.

Cool environment and atmosphere. Gameplay made me wanna do school work.

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Definitely feels like someones first game. It has jank, the gameplay is not very varied or engaging. Boss fights were tedious at worst and passable at best, so not very good. Luckily there weren't too many throughout but I never felt good entering a boss arena. Last boss = shite. The memory altering segments were cool at first but after the first one it just halted the pase to a halt. Again, luckily there weren't too many. (Making your mom think she got you killed is very messed up). Traversal was not fun either, felt like Uncharted but worse.
The game's visual design is pretty cool though. The enviroments were cool, Neo Paris was nice to look at. Characters were meh, but the main character's design I liked a lot. Except for following orders blindly from people she don't know, but hey, I don't know what I would do if my memory got wiped. Music was pretty good while playing, nothing that I can remember now though.
The good: Visual design was cool. Sound was pretty good.
The bad: Game design so, so rough that it's hard to believe it passed testing. It was another time back then I guess.

Started out really cool with interesting mechanics, but the longer I got into the got it felt worse and worse which is a pity. I really liked how this looked and when I got into it it was very enjoyable. Both endings kinda felt like nothing really. There were quite a few crashes later in game which lowered my enjoyment as well.

It was pretty decent looking. Made me sleepy. Uninstalled as soon as I completed it. Was short so that's good.

Very simple but I really liked it. This felt like graphic novel just without the words, so like, a picture book? Made me realise I want to play more graphic novels. Good game.