Absolutely astonishing game. Fun turn-based combat and lovable characters. The writing on the fanlation is top notch too. Ending made me cry 10/10

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Really fun and awesome remake of a classic. ZSS section at the end drags a little bit though, but it’s understandable they wanna add meat to an already short game

Really fun and unique direction for the metroid series. Only problem is that out of all the metroid games, this one has the most bullshit in it. Drags down progression a lot

Funny how the best Metroid experience wasn’t even made by Nintendo. Took the awesome idea of Metroid 2 and fully fleshed it out with fun gameplay and beautiful graphics

While there’s nothing heinous in this game, I found it consistently unfun to play. The turn to 3D didn’t work well for metroid imo, the 2D games are just much better experiences

A bit better than the first because I like the gimmick this game employs with the dark world. I still found it frustrating and not fun to navigate though

Perfect rougelike game. I’ve played for hundreds and hundreds of hours and never felt bored of it

I can appreciate the work put into this game and I find the combat to be enjoyable. As a rougelike though, I feel like it just falls flat compared to it’s competitors

It’s Mario. What else is there to say. Tightly designed, the best NES game for sure

Really ambitious but the gameplay is kinda doodoo ass. Characters and ideas carried though I loved them

The gameplay is really bad and the story is really wordy. I hate the direction they took with the patriots. The saving grace though is that it has some awesome fuckin scenes

Awesome gameplay held back by a disappointing story

dumb story and dumb characters but I had a lot of fun. GTA if you were a demigod

Fuckin awesome, existential horror/gothic dark souls

Would’ve been perfect if Laurence and the Living Failures were better bosses. I swear to god bro these blue blobs are the most boring shit of all time