Couldn't get through the entire thing since the gameplay was boring. Exploration doesn't feel interesting enough and whole crafting system feels too complex.
If they simplified the crafting and maybe got rid of the "empty" parts of space that just exist to lock you out of progressing via oxygen. Or at least try to hide it better? I would try it or finish it.

Makes me realize I was playing the new order for the story.


Most of the puzzles feel just tedious, not hard or challenging. Just boring and tedious. Is not that fun. Some puzzles are cool but most of them are just tedious.

Story is just mediocre, you are forced to listen to it as whenever you pick up a letter there is a long ass walk that goes the exact duration of the voice over. As well as the fact that each letter is after you get a new colour, it doesn’t keep it surprising.

Control has good world building and art design but it's combat quickly turns repetitive in its short runtime. Story feels like a wild goose chase. I didn't really like Jesse's internal monologues.

I felt like they could’ve done a lot more with the level design visually. Not that much replayability for a short game. Story is good but I saw it coming.
Abilities feel underused? The energy system allows 1 maybe 2 if your lucky uses per room.

Tries to be meta but fails, combat shows all it's depth within first 10 minutes.

I don’t really have an itch for any adventure games or point and click games for that matter. So Mutazione surprised me pleasantly. I would call Mutazione a strictly story game and it definitely succeeds on that part. If you're playing this game for the gameplay though, probably don’t. Most tasks/quests are just go x or talk to x or grow x. Growing or gardening is pleasant enough to do. There are no puzzles at all, I figured there would be but there weren’t any.
Mutazione excels on its cosy atmosphere and great ambience (music is fantastic). It’s warm art style definitely helps as well.
Only problem I have with it is that the epilogue makes you wait real life time to read new letters.

TL:DR: Feels like a must play for any gamer, casual or otherwise.

I thoroughly enjoyed this game, the gameplay is a perfect blend of slow and fast. Combat feels scattered and enjoyable so that it doesn’t get repetitive (Some parts are more combat focused than others though) But after those parts it allows you to breathe.
Graphics are incredible, like holy shit man what the fuck.

The story and setting is extremely good, worldbuilding feels very realistic. Characters feel realistic and flawed. I actually cried during some parts. I feel as though I could talk about its themes forever, I won’t because of spoilers. But god, it does a great fucking job.

Music is incredibly good, with melancholy guitar twangs during emotional moments and intense combat tracks with drums.

TLDR: Mirror's edge catalyst, playing it made me want to play the original game again. If you are here looking for a sequel to the original, spiritually. This aint it.

The story is almost entirely disconnected from the first game, if you want to find out what happens after the end of the first you have to read the comic exordium. But at least give the players a run down on what the fuck happened. The dialog in the game itself is so boring and generic ‘Go here faith, get those k-sec!’ The characters are so boring as well, especially the one you are forced to buddy up with for most of the game (Icarus).

Catalyst made everything good about mirror’s edge bland and uninspired. Open world, a ubisoft level of shit side content, areas that are so visually alike from each other. Not to mention how boring movement feels because there are only, say, 2 or 3 links to other areas for each area. So you are forced to backtrack 80% of the time. The skill tree is pretty bland as well, more damage, better traversal etc.

Combat is somewhat of a sidegrade from the OG, it does not feel very refined to a great level of depth. One hit KO if you have enough momentum (often can only do this when entering a fight) then just dash around enemies to get jabs in. It often feels that you are literally running in circles doing the same attacks or trying to do the same parkour moves for more damage.

I really want to like this game. Made by such a small team it does very well. Art, music, and atmosphere are all there. My main problem is its gameplay. With its 1 hp mechanic it becomes extremely tedious and repetitive. I do like games with this same mechanic but I feel as though Deadbolt does it with more tedium as it’s slower than similar games Hotline Miami, Celeste, Ghostrunner etc. These deaths have more ‘weight’ than in those games. Deadbolt is just a slower paced game and it suffers for it.

Certain levels have unclear objectives and major difficulty spikes (Lux in tenebris 2-3) when the objective changes to ‘kill all undead’ whilst there are no undead in the level I had no idea that meant dancing vampires because how could I?

I ain't a city builder type of guy but this one just scratches that itch for me.

Anything that elicits tears from me is 10/10

Jank, jank, jank, and jank. That is this game.
Movement feels stiff, often you cannot prone which is very important in a STEALTH game. It has led to me dying a couple of times. When crawling your character often goes back to crouch. If you want to stealth you have to be very patient, crouching and crawling feel like they move at a snail’s pace. If they made the default walk a bit less noisy it would’ve been better.
Story feels very uninspired, ‘go here kill nazi or grab something’
Voice acting isn’t that great, the main character just feels like a generic hero with a deep voice. No motive at all.

Alert system is weird as shit. Just saw your friend die? Aw mate don’t worry about it cause we know that the sniper is 50 metres away from where he took his shot. Like ??? what.
I had numerous bugs, enemies walking through each other, clipping into objects, etc.

Ladder climbing animation doesn’t loop properly, it has a small pause at the end which leaves a jolt in your camera.
Dumb shit like tree leaves and blades of grass have blocked my bullets.
Enemies can get alerted by your footsteps from an underground bunker. ??? there must be at least 5 metres of dirt in between the topside and bunker.
Enemies can see unreasonably far, sometimes through stairs like 2 stories above you.
Sometimes you just can’t fire your gun or there's a long delay to it.

Good story, and setting. Repetitve gameplay and combat. Remaster needs a remaster.