Quite a lovely game, different from what I expected it to be!

Had me scratching my head a bit, with no very clear directions and many things to click on so I did get stuck, unsure of what to do next, but I figured it out in the end.

Great art, lovely singing (for the most part), funny dialogue options and references, and even 2 endings, this game was definitely worth a play!

I'm sorry to all 800+ pikmin I sacrificed for my own survival, you deserved better...

I liked the open-world aspect of the game, although getting around could sometimes be a bit tricky. Gameplay was enjoyable though, fighting was trivially easy as soon as you unlocked armament haki, but there was still enough variation to keep me busy. The most lacking point of this game is the story, I started skipping dialogue as soon as chapter 6 since the plot was so dull I didn't care anymore.

One thing that could've been improved was that the minimap didn't change depending on your height in-game, traversing Topaz Mines was a pain in the butt as I kept running into dead ends.

Also, to the person who made you fight flying robots, I hope they make a special place in hell for you...

This is undoubtedly my favorite game of all time.
I recently replayed it on an emulator and it still holds up after more than a decade. The visuals, although a bit dated, are still great and really capture the DQ vibes. The soundtrack is as great as it's always been. Characters are brimming with life instead of being lifeless NPCs. Even the story, which is very cliche, is amazing and not too complicated to follow, each town has it own little story which rounds itself up at the end of each 'arc' with some very touching moments.
Replaying this as an adult really makes you appreciate all the details they added in every nook and cranny of dialogue and world-building. The combat can make every battle interesting, from managing your health and mp, to buffing yourself and debuffing the enemy, to some amazing animated attacks and specials, it all flows very well together. Of course, the fact that you can make your own friends in-game or invite real-life friends over makes for unique adventures every time you play this game.
For me, this is a game with infinite replayability, especially after you reach the end game and start delving into grottoes and raid bosses.

TLDR; My favorite game EVER, I probably clocked in more than 800h on DS and emulator combined!

My first Kirby game, played this with a friend, it's a pretty solid game. Cute artstyle, good level design, just a fun game. The minigame levels were especially fun. The only thing I feel like is unnecessary/overlooked is the room decorating, did it once because of the tutorial and then never again...

Battle Chasers: Nightwar is a great turn-based RPG. The art style was pleasing, levels were very well designed, enemies were different in each area (although they did use a lot of re-skins). The thing that bothered me the most was the difficulty either being way too high when enemies are just a couple levels higher than your team or the exact opposite.

The length of the game was pretty decent, I played it for about 68h to 100% it (I did not complete new game+, I couldn't even be asked), but I enjoyed my time going through each dungeon, immersing myself in the environment and different characters and side-quests, which this game did really well. Even the minibosses (hunts) you complete had a setup! You had to collect certain items in certain places, trigger specific events in a dungeon, or dump a ton of money in a well, it all felt connected, like you were figuring out a puzzle. This is also where I felt the game was really flawed, and I say this because in order to fight one of the minibosses I had to run a dungeon 7 times in order to get a specific item from a random lootpile, aka not fun and tedious.

This game has a couple flaws that could easily be fixed and improve the entire experience, such as:
1) why do under-leveled enemies still go after you in a dungeon? It's literally a waste of time going through all the animations and not even gaining exp cuz my level's too high. If enemies could act like the motivator enemy who runs from you instead of towards you when you are a couple levels stronger the game would be much better.
2) why do I have to fight lesser enemies in the overworld just to collect some loot, when they have shown to be perfectly capable of having option 1 and 2 when there is an enemy and a treasure on the same spot?
3) why are so many things RNG based? why did I have to fight 30+ sky lieutenants in order to fight the big boss? Why not have him appear after x amount of defeats? OR as previously mentioned an important drop randomly appearing in a dungeon in a specific type of lootpile? All feels like padding and probably also the reason why I had to play almost 68h just complete the game.
4) Why don't all characters gain exp? This is probably my biggest irritation, because I used Gully, Red Monika, and Alumon for the entire game after they unlocked, because I couldn't be bothered to level up the other characters, so I never found out if they were any good because I had no reason to swap them out, which could've been avoided if they had an exp-share on, that way I could check out newly unlocked skills and ultimates when I gained them, but alas.

TLDR; fun turn-based rpg, but very grindy. Great world building and characters, they feel very fleshed out and the plot also wasn't half bad! 8/10

This was my first entry into the Final Fantasy series, and I must say a really solid start, as the intro screen suggested a game for first-timers and fans alike!

Although the game is not perfect by any means, the story was meh, really disliked the ending, the gameplay and fleshed-out characters more than made up for it! I loved learning more about the chocobros in the dlc (which are a must play), doing hunts on enormous beasts was always so cool, even hunting for frogs was a blast! All-in-all a very solid game, easiest 90h I've spent in my life...

I hope the person who made the interact button the same as the jump button and the designer of Costlemark Tower have a pleasant day 🙂

Super fun platformer with some of the best movement mechanics I've seen in a platforming game!!!

Lots of cool gimmicks in each world to spice up the gameplay.

And of course it only gets better when playing with friends or a partner!

The game is also quite challenging, especially with the knight trials!

Someone at Sony HQ was cooking when they made this. Absolute blast of a game and such a fun walk through memory lane!


Good game, had me scratching my head a couple times but it was very nice and satisfying to play!

They literally made walking sim the game with the occasional "puzzle". If I learned one thing it's to keep some games you played when you were a child as a memory, because reality will disappoint you...

Had such a blast swinging around New York as Spider-Man!
They nailed the web-slinging, combat was awesome (although challenging at times), and I was really involved with the story as well!
Really hit it out of the park with this one, can't wait for the sequel!

A really great game but it had a lot of things working against it, but it was still an enjoyable experience.

The story was nothing new, but well executed, although I didn't feel the need for the secret Jessica ending as I found the Hero and Medea had a really nice friends-to-lover romance which had been introduced to the players from basically the start of the game. I found the other playable characters especially stale, Yangus was really the only one I cared about.

The overall gameplay was basically as Dragon Quest as can be. Although I was quite suprised how easy it was to level up, as someone who is used to grinding for a while before taking on a new boss, I kinda overleveled myself and it was fairly easy to beat the entire game at around level 40.

I absolutely HATE the way you equip items, why the hell is there even a an equipment window when you have to manually transfer all items from your bag??? Wish it looked more like the equipment screen from DQ9.

I liked the addition of Red and Morrie as playable characters, but they are way too busted. which isn't bad but it turned every fight into: get as much tension as possible (hope the enemy doesn't use disruptive wave), do your best attacks, profit. EXCEPT FOR...

Memories Lane, holy hell, I am glad the other bosses in this game weren't as difficult as these. Dhoulmagus was like the biggest, pray to Jesus fight ever. Literally made Estark, the actual final boss, look like childsplay. Talking about Estark, I'm glad he made a return. Apparently bonked his head or something. (fyi kasnooze, setup, attack...)

Enough whining, I still really enjoyed playing this game, it still is probably in my top 3 DQ games, there are a lot of QoL changes they could've made, Zoom costing 1MP? Equipment Screen functionality,... but it is definitely worth a playthrough, maybe even two!

A great little game! I just love this game so much I can't help replaying every now and again, and with the release of the new dlc I decided to replay it!

A great addition that added more to the base game than I expected! The different storyline was also really nice retelling of the traditional Christmas Carol, too bad the ending was the same...
still great, the added items were also some of the most fun to play with in all the catalogues!