5 reviews liked by Sirchlyte

The only other Final Fantasy title to rightfully sit at the top next to Final Fantasy VII. While some moments are lost to odd translations and odd voice acting, Final Fantasy X boasts one of the most memorable storylines of the franchise, an amazing cast of characters, and a distinct world that blended fantasy and sci-fi; all of these factors were partly responsible for bringing the Final Fantasy series' first sequel through Final Fantasy X-2. Combat is no longer real-time with a filling action bar, instead taking the turn-based approach to allow more time to strategize and take advantage of improvements and new abilities gained through a unique "Sphere Grid" level-up system. Nobuo Uematsu perfected his art in this game to give the series its best soundtrack, a position it still maintains even after almost ten more Final Fantasy games have come and gone.

One of the best JRPGs ever made, and still incredibly easy to play today despite its age.

Right off the bat, I adore this game and it is one of my favorite stories ever. I do admit though, it has more issues than some of my other favorites just due to how old it is. It is one of the first games to try to have as in-depth a narrative as it did and it shows in areas. Still, that doesn't hold the story back enough for me to not feel so many emotions while playing it. A story full of amazing characters that is thematically focused on the importance of connection and persevering through the most extremes forms of darkness together. So many moments that swell me up and boasts quite possibly Uematsu's masterwork. Oh and also has the character that my name comes from :)

A story so good that it is a masterpiece despite shitty models and a spotty translation. A stupidly complex plot that slowly unravels the psychology of its characters and the true reality behind the nature of the world. Putting intimacy and focus on our connection with nature and how to progress forward properly in order to better serve humanity and the world itself.

The most emotionally uplifting story ever. Focused deeply on answering some of the most dark, human and philosophical questions. But with a shining, bright optimism that just hugs you and lets everything wash over. Incredible cast that are expertly woven into the brilliant themes and an ending that I grab a entire tissue box for every time.

Fun game! I had my issues with it, with the corridors and whatnot but the combat, music and story was serviceable. I do wish people wouldn't say it's okay to play this without playing the original 7 first though, which I plan to do before the replay so I can understand the story changes properly.