Favorite Characters in Video Games

Some of my favorite game characters with their respective games

One character per series so this list isn't just MGS and Yakuza


He's a sarcastic psychopathic droid who makes fun of everything and everyone he sees, what's not to love?

Fun personality and he plays off the other characters super well. I also love how his curiosity is used for foreshadowing.
Grimoire Weiss

I love how sassy he is and Liam O'Brien did a fantastic job voicing him
Albert Wesker

Dude is so damn cheesy and has dumb Matrix powers, how could I not love him

Tragic heroes are great, and Oersted is the best of the bunch. His ending with Pogo is also better than it should be.
Phoenix Wright

He's a fun goofball, but his mature side is also great when it comes out like in 2-4 and 3-5
King of All Cosmos

Do I need to explain why? He's the motherfucking king.
Duke Nukem

Who doesn't love the DUKESTER
Eli Vance

Eli is the chillest motherfucker to walk the earth
Laguna Loire

He's a complete ditz but such an entertaining and endearing ditz
Heavy Weapons Guy

Dude is just so much fun to listen to and is dripping with personality and quotable lines
Frank West

He's a bumbling chucklefuck and I love him. Also he's covered wars you know.

He's the funny fat man
John Ward

I love his character arc and determination to fix a past sin
Battler Ushiromiya

He's a dumbass and a perv, but he's entertaining and has a great character arc. I also love his rivalry with Agent 47.

His chill and playful demeanor combined with his character arcs in 3 and 5 are done excellently well. Also haha pizza man.
Kazuma Kiryu

Kiryu's maturity and stoicism make him really interesting and unique amongst game protagonists. His melancholic mood in Yakuza 5 was also handled exceptionally well, plus he can drive taxis in that one.
Travis Touchdown

He's such a god damn loser but he has an endearing sincerity to him that makes me always root for him. His more mature characterization in Travis Strikes Again was also terrific.
Francis York Morgan

York is so weird and eclectic and it's perfect. He's entertaining as all hell whenever he talks since he can switch between a wide variety of topics on a dime.
Solid Snake

I love Snake's maturity and his struggle with trying to balance his vulnerable and human side with his battle-hardened soldier side


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