top games from 2023

a list of my top 10 games that actually released in 2023

Is this the best 2d mario? No. Is this the most nintendo could do with 2d mario in the current year? Probably yeah. It's a creative, fun time and my only real issue is that it doesn't stay as long as I wish it would.
See my other list
An easy breezy game that's an absolute joy from start to end. Who would have known being 100 little guys was so much fun
This game is the only thing to replicate the fun of siege's more batshit insane tactics that have been patched out over the years
See my other list
Take one of the consistently best series for OSTs and throw almost every recognizable song into a rhythm game with tight as fuck controls and you have a massive W
See my other list
A great evolution of the first game both narratively and storywise, and good setup for the already announced fuga 3 which looks fucking insane


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