this was my first re game and i wasn’t disappointed! gameplay was awesome and the story was great. i would recommend this to anyone who wanted to try the series out


i guess its a hot take to like this game now but i really loved this entry! the ending area left some things to be desired but overall i really enjoyed my time with this game. Aogami was my fav :)

i played the shit out of this game as a kid, i remember having to drop it at a skeleton(??) part of the game where u had to collect keys or smtn bc i was bad. that being said i am currently buying this game off ebay rn, adult me promises younger me that i WILL finish this game

I love playing this game but me and my friend have been playing this together since it's release, she is in college now and there is no way I can finish this game without her. Shelved for now!

loved this one more than its predecessor, sure the gameplay is harder but the cast is so much better. The last game wrapped their stories up nicely, also this one features baofu sooo...

Bought the game and the remaster gets announced a week later

this game plays as if you are walking on a ground of legos in wet socks. good story tho, wouldn't recommend. cried, Angelus,,,,

Oh my god. wow. I played the original 2010 version and it quickly became one of my favorite games. This remaster just accentuated my love for the game even further. 10/10 loved every second of it

This was actually a really good spin off. Didn't feel like a cash grab, Atlus actually put effort into this? Amazing. The character interactions were amazing and the dubbing cast has really grown, the delivery of the characters lines was amazing... Too bad I don't like hack and slash games, couldn't bring myself to finish it

I tried, I really tried but I cannot STAND musou games. This is the third musou game I have tried

When I was a kid I was never able to get past the first world castle, last week I tried playing this game again, no dice. Had a friend help me grind out the rest of the worlds lmao

The game has yet to be completed but the character design and music is top tier already. I'm excited to see where it goes

Amazing game. The call backs to the original devil summoner games don't go unnoticed!