After 11 years of playing this game I actually got around to finish the story, look at me go I’m gamer of the year.

I don’t like the jumping boots in subway surfers, yes they make it so you can jump higher but they make it harder to land where you want too. Plus you can miss a lot of coins, I rather get a jet pack then boots. Now let’s talk about the jet pack in subway surfers. Shit is pretty OP not gonna lie, really hits you with some dopamine when you fly over hundreds of trains in the matter of seconds. Also, bonus points if you got that dog in you and you collect all the coins while flying. Now what about the magnet from subway surfers? Shit is probably somewhere between the gay boots and the W jet pack, almost feels like someone is cumming inside of you when all those coins fly to you. Sorry, that was maybe out of pocket.

I just played this shit for 2 hours at my job and for that I’m raising it up a star

What the fuck is with the resurgence of “wordle” on this website.

More of a comedy than a horror when the character got a shoe and a can thrown at her in the locker room.

I really enjoyed the the cherry blossom monster, most chase sequences are fun albeit only 3 of them exist, especially during the last chase when you had to find those photos, it actually felt like a horror game and it was definitely the peak of the game though it only lasted like 8 minutes.
The settings themselves are also pretty nice I really like the graffiti art platters on every single wall, they’re all different and unique. There was one that said “swag” on it, thought that dope af.
Great visuals, great art design and soundtrack was superb.

Why is this game titled silent hill? This feels more like a higher quality version of a shitty horror game you’d find on steam.
The message it portrays, while a nice message, is blasted in your face 5 seconds into the game and it doesn’t let go.
More of a walking simulator with un-skippable dialogue and snooze fest cutscenes than anything interesting.
A total of 2 puzzles and the first one was just find 4 numbers in an empty room so it was easy as shit, 2nd one was kinda dope (see the pros list again if you’re a dumb fool who can’t register words)
They use a flurry of words on the sticky notes layered in the rooms and when one of them is a slurred way to say “whore” and one just says “NO WAY!” I chuckle.

This game ain’t silent hill at all, fuck man. But hey it’s still better than Silent Hill Ascension.

Kinda peak until you realize most of the stuff in this game like the puzzles and especially the bosses are easy as fuck. Still a joyride from beginning to end though.

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What is the official meaning of nothing?
a matter of no importance or significance: it doesn't matter, it's nothing. indicating the absence of anything perceptible; nothingness. indicating the absence of meaning, value, worth, etc: to amount to nothing. zero quantity; nought.

With that in mind, this does it well, but nothing fucking sucks.

Lame ass shit trying to be creepy and make you feel a type of way but fails horribly. But it gives you a really nice message at the end despite all that so that’s cool

It’s incredibly different than the previous 2 games, this one being a turn-based gun RPG but regardless it connects to the previous 2 games in a smart way and the gameplay is very enjoyable despite feeling somewhat repetitive but some of the guns give characters unique ways to play the game. It’s definitely a turn-based RPG that 100% has to make you think throughout the battles in hopes to collect everything and survive. It doesn’t overstay, it’s perfectly paced, and it was fun as heck

Everything is an absolute upgrade from the first game and I hope one day we get a 3rd (I know heist is technically 3 but still) you can fly and grapple around now what that’s always a W. Brand new moves and upgrades and more incentive to explore the world to find artifacts and cogs. The only gripe anyone should have with this game is that it ends too soon just like the first one. Make these fucking games longer!!!!!!!!’

A really neat little game with some fun little DLC add-ons that I enjoyed quite a bit maybe

Gonna get as good as mobile world builder games are gonna get