This game gave me genuine happiness and I cried

There's something special about this game and idk what it is

I recommend it.

Silent Hill 3 is a bumblefuck of a game compared to Silent Hill 2. The areas of this game just dont make sense, nothings connected and they're confusing mazes. Sometimes you'll just get lost in the area searching for the maps. Heather becomes god with all the weapons you can have, you do feel like a badass when you swing your samurai Sekiro sword, but this is Silent Hill, I wanna be scared and feel hopeless, not feel like a badass. The enemies in this game, there are 5 bosses and 4 of them are good, then theres the fucking dog enemy now you gotta understand, I didnt think anything could get as annoying as the dog enemy but when the crawling man appeared, this is when I started asking the REAL questions.

Why does heather stay on the ground for 5 minutes everytime she falls over? Why is she a samurai AND a medieval knight? Why did this first half of the game suck dick?!

When I finally got up to that shitty piss easy boss fight on top of the apartment, I was basically done with the game on a motivational level, but after the boss and Heather finally went to silent hill, this is where my motivation rose again. At this point I wanted to see what else the game has in store because this really is where the game shines, it can still be tedious and if you played the game you already know the mansion sucks so much balls, but I believe the 2nd half of the game should be seen and I guess the first 2 areas of the game are really cool too.

If you compare this game to silent hill 2, you will be disappointed, but if you take this game on it's own merit, you will genuinely enjoy it.

What do you think when you hear the word "horror"? Some may think of their favorite horror movie or halloween or something else entirely, when I hear "horror" i think of silent hill 2

This game is scary on all accounts, this game sends you in a million emotions and none of them good, but that's the good thing about silent hill 2, its SUPPOSE to make you feel scared, sad, and even helpless.

James Sunderland is a broken man with a broken dream of wanting to be with his wife again, he is more than just a video game character, he is human and you can sympathize with this man as he goes through his own psychological hell just to be with his wife again which I'm sure many people can relate to wanting to be with their significant other after some time apart.

This game is all around symbolic with the items you collect, to the characters, to the hair james has on his head because everything has goddamn meaning and it makes you try and put the pieces together on what the hell any of this means before you reach the end.

Just overall this is by far one of the most perfect games I have played and everyone should expect this game.

this game does many things, and it does them all perfectly, but one thing it isnt is a liar. that man, for all intents and purposes, definitely ate some snakes.

I told my friend if I enjoyed this game I'd watch Dragon Ball

I now have to watch Dragon Ball

I played both the GBA version and the Console version and I enjoyed both, but which one would I say is better?

Surprisingly enough I would have to choose the GBA version more so (and that's what my star rating is based off of), it caught my attention way more and levels didnt drag out for so long that they didnt get boring. There were actual bosses in the GBA game and I thank sweet Mary Sue every day for that.

The console version does have its fair share of strengths though, both games have wonderful soundtracks but the console is more memorable and sounds better, both games also have 3 segments of playing as spongebob, patrick, and plankton. The 1st and 3rd segment of the GBA game were much better than the console version but the console version has a better 2nd segment of the game, plankton destroying bikini botttom and Patrick's rocket rodeo were SO much better than the GBA version.

But in the GBA version patrick gets to fly and flying is the best thing you can do in any video game.

All versions if this game, GBA, PC, and Console, are all godly

(2023 update) I’ve been playing it again for about over a year now almost daily cuz for some reason I have insane shiny luck and it’s really funny to piss off other people I play it with.

This is the perfect game and if you havent played it, you already know it's your favorite game and if you hate this game then stop lying to yourself man just stop.

I've beaten this game a billion times and it still doesn't get old everyone play this please