Bad dead space game but fun video game except the mountain climbing sections those still give me nightmares how frustrating they were

Personal favorite dead space and possibly favorite game of all time

Best bioshock dlc, one of the best dlcs of all time and best bioshock story

One of the most insane endings to a game I've ever seen. Might have to do a replay through someday

One of the most overhated and underrated games of all time. Subject delta is best big daddy

Personal favorite from the ps2 trilogy. Tommy verceti is a goated protagonist

A game I wasn't expecting to be on my radar this year but a really fun multiplayer game and one of my favorites of this year. Also a very good time sucker as I've played it and realized it's late in the night lol

A beautiful short but sweet campaign and one of my personal favorite multiplayer games of all time. Still on that hopium pack for titanfall 3 ( it'll never happen)

Best remake imo. Everything that was great about the original is still intact and they added onto it with new lore gameplay more in line with dead space 2 and this game just felt like a love letter to the original game. Absolute cinema and my personal favorite game of 2023.

One of the best story games out there. Played this during quarantine and it was easily the game I got sucked into the most. I've replayed it at least 5 times and I'm kinda itching to go back for another go.

Sadly have never finished ( lost save data a while ago) but I will say this is one of the scariest games I've ever played. Easily the scariest re game and probably my personal favorite of the modern titles ( remakes not included)