Can't believe I missed out on this franchise for so long, incredibly powerful storytelling and the bittersweet ending was excellent. Gameplay is mostly extremely tight with a few areas that are weirdly designed. There's not much to say about it that hasn't been said before after all this is one of the most well known games ever. It lives up to the hype though.

Considering how shot my attention span is it takes quite a lot for a game to grab me so intently that I don't play anything else until it's done. Beautifully cosy little puzzler with amazing art direction and a banger soundtrack. I don't think I finished Limbo way back when it came out and I never played Inside but those two are definitely high up on my list after I heard that this was by the same devs, excellent indie gem from last year (GVH still should have won the game award tho)

Started playing again after like 2 years and the game is actually really fun now that they added a no build mode.

Also I can play as mr beast and a ninja turtle and I like that :)

If it wasn't for a certain enby dinosaur heart-wrencher this would handily be my game of the year (sorry Zelda, it's very close tho). I don't know why I keep doubting the mario series but every time I go in thinking it's just gonna be the same as the last, and I'm completely and utterly blown away. Pretty much every level has its own fun gimmick that the series has never seen before, endlessly replayable, I just finished the story and I cannot wait to go back and get all of the wonder seeds and badges. The only other Mario game I was this hyped to 100% was 3D World, and this is only just behind that as the best Mario game, I'm so so serious.

Also if you pick Mario or Nabbit you're weak and boring. Toadette supremacy.

Not the biggest star wars fan anyway and was even more put off when I found out it was soulslike combat, this is pretty much as far from my thing as you can get. Not gonna rate it because I only got through about half of the game before ditching, but I will say that if you wanna play a souls game, why play a pale imitation with the face of one of the most overrated franchises ever on?

A very cute game about a cute kid and his cute yeti, it's obviously a game for little kids so I don't have a TON to say about it. It's a pretty standard walking sim with some barebones combat and basic platforming, some pretty inventive puzzles too. It does quite a bit in its runtime, but doesn't do any of it amazingly. It's just a pretty average lore game that didn't take too long to finish, even though it overstayed its welcome a little with the walking sim segments. Not as good as the Viego game tho.

A lot to say about this one and simultaneously nothing at all. The general Pokemon stuff that every game does well is again done well here, but it's the game-specific stuff where it falls short. Boring side characters, a storyline so insignificant I forgot about it multiple times during the playthrough, a region with depth on paper but in practice so boring that there's no incentive to travel without Fly, I could go on. Not horrendous or anything, it's still a Pokemon game, but I can understand why I forgot it completely after my original playthrough in 2013 and I'll probably completely forget it again.

Got about half way through before ditching. Love the story and will watch the cutscenes on youtube but the gameplay is ROUGH. No building on the mechanics from the start of the game, 3 enemy types, slow as fuck movement, this would have been so much better as a TV Show, the entire "game" aspect of this game brings it down so much, just watch a cutscene compilation. Hopefully the second one is more fun to play.

Was almost crying the entire third act yeah it's pretty good