I love this game and the music is a ear worm that will never leave you alone

This is the absolute peak of Street Fighter in my opinion. Getting good at this fighting game is something worth bragging about. There is a level of finesse to this game that the others just don’t have

It’s Q-Bert, what is there to say?

If you had a N64 then you should have had this game. If not, then you missed out. This game is so much fun. Whether you are playing the single player campaign with branching paths and secrets or playing “vs mode” with your friends. This game delivers

Flying swallow simulator is one of my favorite games of all time. Based

This game is borderline unplayable. It’s not even a skill issue either. It’s a 3D, semi-platforming, martial arts game with tank controls and some of the worst camera angles ever conceived. There is no redeeming quality for this game at all. When the topic of bad games gets brought up, this is immediately the first thing that comes to mind. If you don’t believe me, try it, but don’t say I didn’t warn you…

One of the best racing games ever made. It may not have the customization that Underground 2 had but it makes up for it with better controls and tremendously faster speeds with police chases and a hastily thrown together story. This game is always a fun time

There is nothing about this game I could say that someone hasn’t already said. Yes, it’s that good

I love this game. It’s original, fun, and full of cool secrets and exploration. Based

Used to get drunk and play this with my friends. I have some good memories tied to this game. It’s just a good, simple, and fun arcade racer.

Not a fan of this, but I can see how it could appeal to certain people. It just didn’t do it for me. Mega Man X is a series known for platforming. If you were going to change the formula then it should have created it’s own sub-genre of games like battle network and legends did, but shoe horning this into the Mega Man X universe just doesn’t feel right. Moreover I just didn’t really like the battle mechanics and story. I wouldn’t recommend it. There are much better things you could be playing

This is the “Destroy all Humans” of Marvel games. If there is a plot to this game I don’t remember it, I just remember causing mass destruction as the hulk and that is exactly what I bought the game for as a kid. Based

It hits right down the middle. It’s fun and memorable, but it doesn’t particularly stand out as exceptional in anything that it does. It’s worth playing if you are bored or curious about it though.

Playing this with a GameCube controller shouldn’t be legal. It just doesn’t feel natural at all, but I do love the mechanics and character selection in this game. As a huge fighting game fan, I would recommend this to someone who is looking for a good 2D fighter with some cool depth. Just don’t play with a GameCube controller


Missing some of the energy and personality of SSX Tricky but compensates with a semi-open world, extra customization, better controls, and more game modes. To me, this is peak SSX and no other snowboarding game has came close to this level of fun.