One of the coolest final bosses I have ever fought. Despite it being overly edgy, it’s still a good game

Cringe dialogue, like always. A Star Wars rip-off featuring Mark Hamill. Psp…I have a family to feed

One of the first PlayStation games I ever played. Kinda sucks now

This is a repressed memory that I hoped I would never remember. Cringe

This is a simple and fun game. Especially with friends. Based

The hype was unreal for this game when it came out. You were a loser if you didn’t have this game

One of the best shooters and multiplayer experiences of my life

This sucks. It’s not even bad in a funny way. It’s just bad

A terrible execution of a good idea

This was the game that got me into fighting games. There is so much nostalgia and core memories from my life tied to this game that I couldn’t rate it fairly if I tried. It is a iconic product of its time