I don't care what you think, they combined Legos and Star Wars in a video game format, and I was a dumbass kid, its the perfect game

Looks great, but I'm just not good at platformers

Not for me, but the first few hours are a fun looter shooter

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its about guns

Music: A+
Art: A+
My platforming skill: C-

Say what you want about bugs or Bethesda, but they know how to make open-world exploration rewarding and continually surprising. This game has phenomenal level design.

despite loving high fantasy and elderly men, i could not get into this game

A prime example of what a $60 AAA game should be

The game is fine, balance is sometimes bad, the community is pretty awful. And I hate myself most of all for continuing to play the game

This scratched the itch I had for a single-player SCP game

I too love entering into relationships with former students

Really makes you feel like Spider-Man

what I imagine a crack addiction is like

I don't play the game, I don't really like the game, but, you have to respect how influential this game has been in bringing gaming into the wider view of popular culture, the last game to do this in the same manner was Minecraft and I don't see you laughing at my boy Steve