Actually insane how massive this game is considering it's made by three people and only costs $15. Despite it's size it's still an extremely focused experienced where you rarely come across content that doesn't feel masterfully executed.

Easily the best atmosphere and combat out of any souls game I've played. (still haven't played sekiro and DS2) But please don't bring back the healing system for any other souls game. I'm begging you Fromsoft.

Some of the most fun I've ever had playing any video game. It's the first (non smash) fighting game I've ever played and I really surprised myself with how easily I was climbing floors. Also this is easily the best soundtrack of the 2020's so far and nothing even comes close.


Absolute banger of a game with what might be the best combat in any indie game I've played. The only thing that keeps this game back from a ten is the forced walking sections. I get they were trying to give players time to cool down after bosses but they ended up taking 25-30 minutes total in a game that only took me 5.6 hours. Other than that the game might be perfect. Every boss is fantastic, the art style and animations are stellar, and the soundtrack is a top 10 of the 2010's.

TBH might have the best combat in any game I've ever played. Everything about it flows so perfectly. Made me feel like I was actually getting good at a game. Something I thought I would only ever get from Demons Souls(the first souls game I played).

Fun game that builds well on the solid foundation of the original. Some of the new stuff they added isn't great(open segments). But it's hard to argue against a game this fun.

Extremely interesting representation of how challenging small things can be when you have mental health problems. Loved how it creates interactions between the main character and you the player. Fantastic presentation as well combining droning audio and these near illegible pixel art visuals.

Not really a game but who cares. Never quite had this experience with something before. The Pyramid is one of the best things I've experienced in a while.

Has so much potential to be a game that I'll be playing for years. All it needs is more game modes and maps. As it is this is one of the most fun and exciting competitive FPS games I've played in my life.

The most surprised I've been by a game in a long time. Incredible visuals, solid combat, effective horror and one of the most gripping and exciting stories I've ever experienced in a game. It's my GOTY and nothing comes close.